Use our resources to help you set up your practice
Setting up your own practice can be a complex area. In this short video, Carl Reader - Chair of ACCA UK's Practice Community Panel - talks about the joy of setting up on your own and the pitfalls to be aware of.
This directory of curated and created information is available on demand to members and is aimed at those in the UK - although it will have relevance to members globally. It allows those taking their first tentative steps into setting up their practice to have some practical considerations, as well as offering toolkits and highly practical support and guidance to those already in the process of setting up.

If you're thinking of starting your own accountancy practice, nothing beats hearing it straight from those that have already done it. Listen to our limited podcast series to hear about ACCA members Amy Hancock and James Goulsbra who both recently set up their own practices. Once you've done that, watch their video series in which they explain how they do what they do, so that you can have an inside look into how practices run.