Tim Kelland FCCA: From NHS Post Room to Healthcare Finance Leadership
Tim Kelland FCCA, talks about his fulfilling career in accountancy in the healthcare sector as he enters retirement
My career journey was anything but straightforward! I started in the post room of the NHS, having failed all my school exams. Confidence? Non-existent. I never thought I'd be a professional accountant. But a manager saw something in me and pushed me towards ACCA.
The eight-year route to qualification was a real rollercoaster, full of self-doubt and hard work, but the biggest energiser was realising I could actually achieve something. It completely transformed my life, and now I feel compelled to help others see that potential in themselves, just as someone saw it in me.’
My biggest challenge was finding the time to study whilst holding down a full time job. I recommend to those setting out on their route to qualification that they try to set aside dedicated time for studying and treat study time with the same respect as you would your work.
So, if your normal working time is Monday to Friday 9-5pm, set a similar discipline for studying – perhaps Monday to Thursday 6pm- 9pm. Make sure you stick to this and only deviate from it for the same reasons as you would work (eg, annual leave, sickness etc).
People undertaking a less traditional method of study have a huge advantage over those who follow the traditional route because they are able to bring to the table real-life experiences when dealing with their studies.
Career reflections
My greatest achievements are receiving ACCA's advocate of the year award for Europe and America in 2020. It acknowledged the work I did in supporting students and the profession within NHS Wales. I am also proud of the fact that my previous organisation, the NHS Wales Finance Delivery Unit, won UK public sector team of the year in 2018.
Another example of some of the rewarding work I’ve done was helping promote ACCA in Namibia. I also supported the Namibian Health ministry in developing a comprehensive business case to the World Bank to address the challenges the country faced with HIV and aids.
My career has been full of fantastic experiences and memories. This may appear strange to some but the most rewarding experience of all was my retirement party. This was attended by people who worked with me throughout my career including the boss who appointed me in 1984. There were people at that event from each hospital and department I’d worked in. To me this was everything. I do need people to like me, that is just how I am, and the fact so many people came to my retirement party proved to me I was liked.
Tim’s top tips
To my students I always stress the following:
- Be yourself and don't try to be someone you are not.
- No matter how hard it may be, speak up if you feel things are not right, even if this means tackling people higher up the organisational chain. In the long run, people will respect you.
- Don't chase money. If you are good at your job and deliver high-quality work, the money will follow.
- Try to network. Get involved in project groups and national work or consider joining ACCA forums or other such groups. This will make you more visible and create new networks, which in turn will help you overcome work challenges and create new openings for development.
- Invest in your future. I urge people to plan for their future today. Top up pensions now while there are tax incentives to do so. You will never regret doing this, I promise.
- Don't be afraid to laugh and have fun when working (although obviously there is a time and a place for it). A fun and happy workforce is far more productive. A lot of your life is spent at work, so ensure you enjoy your time there.
- Work to live, don’t live to work. It’s important to find time for rest and relaxation. I know from personal experience that too much intense pressure will have an adverse impact on your health and wellbeing, which will ultimately not be and good for you or your employer.
For those approaching retirement, I recommend winding down first. I went from being full time, down to four then just two days a week. Then have a clean break and some quality time before you jump into becoming a non-executive director or other roles that retired accountants typically take on.
Tim Kelland FCCA