Read our new members' stories
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Julia Kinkela
Julia Kinkela
'Strategic Business Leadership stood out as a particular milestone because it showed that being an accountant isn’t always about the numbers – we influence and consult the companies we work for on decision making.'
I attended the NMC in February 2024 and it was amazing! Studying can sometimes feel isolating so it was really good to meet the wider community and get to know people who went through a similar journey as me.
Studying and qualifying has allowed me to earn better salaries, and has gotten my foot in the door for companies I dreamed of working for. I have grown personally because it has taught me the importance of discipline and forward thinking – I apply this to most aspects of my life now.
I have recently leaned into creating social media content to help other ACCA students with their exams which has been really fun! I hope to continue doing this, to contribute to ACCA’s brand. Professionally, I hope to keep progressing and having a positive impact in my workplace.
Strategic Business Leadership stood out as a particular milestone because it showed that being an accountant isn’t always about the numbers – we influence and consult the companies we work for on decision making.
Job title: Senior Financial Analyst -
Zoe Gibbard
Zoe Gibbard
'The ACCA qualification has greatly enhanced my confidence and understanding of accountancy, enabling career progression that wouldn't have been possible otherwise. I feel more self-assured and capable in my field since achieving this qualification.'
I am a 54-year-old single mother of three grown daughters. I grew up in the care system, becoming independent at 16 shaped my resilience. Despite leaving school without A Levels or university experience, I always believed in my potential.
I have always had a passion for math, which inspired me to take a career break and attend college to pursue the AAT qualification. At the time, my tutor cautioned that the ACCA qualification would be challenging and doubted my ability to achieve it. However, I was determined to progress further and embarked on my ACCA journey, tackling one exam at a time. After comparing management accounting with financial accounting, I found that ACCA aligned better with my skills and interests.
My biggest challenge was studying effectively, as I had yet to take A Levels or attend university. Time management was another hurdle. As a full-time worker and single parent to three daughters, I had to prioritise my studies over housework to carve out enough weekend hours. Over time, this balancing act became easier and eventually turned into a manageable routine.
I attended the New Members Celebration at the Underglobe in London in February 2024; it was important for me to attend as I had never had a graduation, and it was an amazing experience to be able to attend with my daughters. This was my chance to graduate!
The ACCA qualification has greatly enhanced my confidence and understanding of accountancy, enabling career progression that wouldn't have been possible otherwise. I feel more self-assured and capable in my field since achieving this qualification.
As a financial controller in the hospitality sector, I work closely with our Financial Director, applying the advanced knowledge I gained through ACCA to tackle complex challenges. My journey to ACCA was challenging, but persistence and thorough preparation were key. From using study text indexes to cover every topic, revising bullet points, and learning from examiners' comments, I ensured a strong understanding of each subject. Despite moments of self-doubt, I passed all my exams on the first attempt by focusing on steady progress, balancing study with family life, and finding study techniques that worked for me, including meditation to calm exam nerves.
For anyone pursuing ACCA, my advice is to take it one step at a time and not be discouraged by setbacks or the scope of the material. Small details can make a big difference in exams, so be thorough. Advanced Tax was a milestone for me, and while the workload seemed overwhelming at first, breaking it into manageable pieces made it achievable. Now that I've attained ACCA, I am exploring further qualifications, such as financial advisory, to continue growing in my career. Outside of work, I enjoy going to the gym and spending time with my family.
Job title: Financial Controller