Our Partners & Engagement Opportunities
Below are some of the partnerships ACCA UK holds within the early careers space. There are multiple opportunities for Early Careers Ambassadors to help deliver our engagement activity within this space and we would love the support of our ambassador community! Please let us know if you see an opportunity below you'd like to help us deliver.
Access Accountancy – as a signatory member of Access Accountancy, ACCA are partnering with accounting practices and organisations to support young people from lower soci-economic backgrounds into the profession. If you're interested in getting your business or employer involved becoming a signatory for Access Accountancy, please speak to the Early Careers Manager or a member of the Bsuiness Development team.
Bright Network – our university partner helping us to attract engaged, high quality undergraduates and graduates across the UK to ACCA.
Careers and Enterprise Company – We partner with the Careers and Enterprise Company and sit on their Employer Advisory board as well as working with Careers Hubs in regions across England.

Become an Enterprise Advisor for a local school
We also support the Careers and Enterprise Company to recruit for local Enterprise Advisors.
Read MoreThese are voluntary positions which are a time committment of approximately 4 hours per month, and are designed to support a local school with their careers strategy and sometimes also supporting delivery.
Find out more about how you can beomce an Enterprise Advisor here or reach out to the Early Careers Manager.
Careers Wales – We collaborate with Careers Wales by supporting and participating in their early careers activity such as their virtual careers exhibition in spring 2022 and careers events they host across the country.
Valued Partner Initiative:
Last year Careers Wales launched the School Valued Partner initiative. The scheme celebrates a relationship between a school and employer, with employers becoming Valued Partners with a school once they have engaged three times with the school over a year. It’s is a great way to acknowledge the engagement work that employers do and build long lasting relationships with schools.
Read more about becoming a Valued PartnerBenefits of the initiative include:
- Employers who are identified as School Valued Partners will be nominated for an award at the Valued Partner Award ceremony. The Valued Partner Award ceremony will showcase the initiative and celebrate the relationships between employers and schools
- Careers Wales Business Engagement Advisers will chair an introductory meeting between the School Valued Partner and a senior member of the school staff to ensure that the support offered by the employer is recognised at a senior level in the school
- Careers Wales Business Engagement Advisers will arrange a termly 'keeping in touch' contact (telephone call or meeting) with the school and the School Valued Partner, offering support and ideas for working together
Find out more about beomcing a Valued Parter of a local school in Wales by speaking to the Early Careers Manager and we will be happy to make an introduction to the team at Careers Wales.
Developing Young Workforce – DYW are the early careers branch of Skills Development Scotland. We collaborate with them on schools partnerships, hosting and promoting webinars and work experiences across Scotland, as well as supporting their initiatives such as results and careers week in Scotland. Please let us know if you’re interested in hosting an event with DYW.
Migrant Leaders – learn how ACCA member Elham Fardad’s charity Migrant Leaders is supporting first and second generation refugees to achieve their career potential across the Professions. View the Migrant Leaders Q&A webinar here.
Migrant leaders is interested to hear from ACCA members who are interested in becoming mentors to the members of the programme's cohort. Please reach out to the Early Careers Manager to find out more.
Speakers for Schools – our virtual platform hosts which allow us to host content which educates young people from schools across the UK on our profession and it’s entry routes.
If you're interested in hosting a session on behalf of ACCA, please let George, the Early Careers Manager know. This could be by hosting a webinar, virtual skills session or work experience for young people.
Young Enterprise Scotland- ACCA supports Young Enterprise Scotland in various ways. This includes providing Business Mentors to school students taking part in the Company Programme, and contributing to delivery of financial education videos and sessions for teachers and high school students.
Please speak to the Early Careers Manager to find out more about the Business Mentor vacancies available or any other opporuntites that my be available for ACCA students and members to get invovled in.