How does Accelerate work?.

The Accelerate agreement

Accelerate is an agreement between you and ACCA.

It gives your students the opportunity to register with ACCA while they’re doing their degree - so they can fast track their journey to getting their professional qualification.

Course accreditation

To take part in Accelerate, you need to offer an ACCA accredited course.

For your course to be ACCA accredited, its content must align with what we cover in the ACCA Qualification. This means we can count some or all of its content towards our professional qualification.

We call this 'awarding exemptions'. It means your students don’t have to take all of their ACCA exams, because they’ve already studied some of the content.

Of course, you don’t have to operate the Accelerate programme for us to offer your students exemptions.

Student discount on exemption cost

When you are an Accelerate partner, your students get a discount on their exemptions, which they don’t have to pay for until after they graduate. And they get heavily discounted registration and subscription fees, making their journey to membership more affordable.

They can also register with ACCA while they’re at university. And depending on the type of exemptions we can offer them, they may be able to start their ACCA exams - and even finish them - before they graduate.

What discounts do students get?

This depends on your university’s bespoke Accelerate agreement. To get the exemption discount, your students will need to start taking their ACCA exams within a year of graduating.

Learn more about Accelerate