Celebrate the world's smallest businesses.

ACCA pays a global tribute to small businesses this MSME Day

ACCA are proud to be supporting this year's micro, small and medium-sized (MSME) day celebrating our global small businesses. SMEs represent about 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide and rely heavily on support for access to finance, information, and environments conducive to growth.

SMPs are trusted advisors to small businesses, help businesses develop new revenue streams, transform their business models, transition to more sustainable practices. We have spoken to several hosts from Practice Room on why MSME Day is an important date in the diary for the SMP community.

Heather Smith

Founder of ANISE Consulting, Australia

Damian Skeete

Partner at Skeete, Best & Co., Barbados

"I commemorate and support the International SME Day because of their contribution to employment cretion, economic prosperity and the improvement of living conditions. SMEs are the backbone of most economies especially the emerging and developing economies as they are owned by locals, with limited risk of capital flight when compared to investments by multinationals. I am very passionate about developing and supporting SMEs to become sustainable businesses which is why I serve as one of the hosts of the ACCA Practice Room sessions."

Bright Amisi, Avant Advisory Services Ltd, South Africa

Bright Amisi, 

Avant advisory services Ltd, 
South Africa

" Throughout my career in accounting and especially now as the owner of a SME, the opportunities for sharing my knowledge and experience have been abundant. The Practice Room affords me the avenue to be open and honest in discussions about issues that are core to a SME practicioner's ability to manage and grow the business"

Stacy-Ann Golding, Founder SN Goulding Financial Service Ltd, Trinidad and Tobago

Stacy-Ann Golding, 

founder of S N Golding Financial Services Ltd, 
Trindad and Tobago

"The previous unprecedent months have brought to the forefront the crucial role of SMEs in creating jobs, in promoting innovation and in maintaining social interconnections. As an ACCA member, I am proud to say that SMEs and the fundamental role of SMPs in their development have always been at the heart of the ACCA strategy"

Anastasia Chalkidou, Co-founder Quantum, Greece

Anastasia Chalkidou, 

co-founder of Quantum,