How far in advance will apprentices know the question options for each session?
The questions options for questions 2 and 4 will be available a year in advance along with the submission form for that session so apprentices can start their preparation in plenty of time.
If an apprentice fails, will they receive feedback on areas they have failed?
Yes, apprentices will receive individual feedback if they fail the Project Report.This feedback will highlight the areas in which the apprentice did not perform well. A full resubmission of the Project Report is still required. This means that the Project Report must be reattempted in full again using the correct template for the submission window in which the resubmission takes place. This means that the choices for Q2 and Q4 will change in the resubmission. Apprentices cannot resubmit their original submission.
How is the communication skill assessed?
There is not a separate question on the communication skill, as this is assessed in every Project Report as part of the marking process.
Do apprentices have to sit SBL and submit their Project Report in the same session?
No, apprentices can do either part in separate sessions if they choose.