Portfolio and reflective statement.

Learn more about the completing and submitting the portfolio and reflective statement (PRS).

There are two documents that an apprentice should complete as part of their PRS. These documents should be submitted to TBAssessment@accaglobal.com before the relevant submission deadline.

The documents can be found under the Related Documents section of this page.

PRS deadline

The submission deadline for the PRS is the Monday immediately before every ACCA exam week.

Our exams are held four times a year in March, June, September and December. Check the exam dates here.

Training log

The training log can be downloaded to allow apprentices to keep a summary of their practical work experience throughout their apprenticeship. The training log has been mapped to the skills and behaviours included in the Apprenticeship Standard for the Professional Accounting Technician apprenticeship. It will provide a record to help the appretnice complete and submit their PRS as part of the Level 4 end-point assessment (EPA).

PRS guidance


If an apprentice fails the PRS, subject to the agreement of their employer, they may resubmit at the next exam session. Guidance for resubmission can be downloaded below.