Exam preparation
Your Technician Role Simulation (TRS) is a computer based exam (CBE) that is held every six months in June and December. It uses similar technology to that used in the workplace including a specially designed spreadsheet and word processor.
To help you understand the exam structure we’ve provided a full specimen exam with sample questions so you can familiarise yourself with the exam style and environment.

CBE preparation
Getting ready for your TRS CBE requires you to be familiar with the exam environment and functionality, have a clear exam approach plan and also to have both practised and debriefed questions in the real exam environment.
To help you we’ve created two mini-video series that firstly helps you plan your approach to the exam and how to use the CBE workspace effectively. And secondly debriefs a full TRS exam in the exam environment giving you lots of tips and guidance to get you exam ready.
Planning your approach to the TRS CBE
Before your exam
Using your workspace effectively
First steps when your exam starts
Planning and completing your exam
Full TRS CBE debrief
We have produced a series of videos where an expert tutors fully answers the June 2022 past exam. To get the maximum benefit, attempt each of the questions in the past exam linked below before watching the relevant video debrief.

TRS debrief:
Q1ai Statement of Profit or Loss
TRS debrief:
Q1aii & iii Dividends and payroll
TRS debrief:
Q1b Revenue forecast and PEST
TRS debrief:
Q2 Ratio analysis and ethical principles
TRS debrief:
Q3 NPV, AI and ethical principles