Public Sector Apprenticeship.

A level 4 qualification tailored to the needs of the public sector

Given the pace of change and size of expenditure in the public sector, it’s critical that finance professionals working in the sector have the right skills to deal with the challenges ahead.


The ACCA Public Sector Apprenticeships is a Level 4 Apprenticeship tailored specifically for the Public Sector for current and new public sector staff. It includes the technical, professional and ethical skills all finance professionals need to thrive in public finance roles.

Students will have the opportunity to develop specific skills and behaviours in a workplace setting. In addition to gaining the apprenticeship, students will be awarded ACCA’s Certificate in Public Financial Management.

By completing this certificate, students will be able to:

  • Define public money
  • Understand the objectives of public financial management
  • Know what the public financial management cycle is.

This levy funded UK Apprenticeship will upskill staff and provide a great start to becoming fully qualified and move into senior civil servant positions.

Study Outline

Students will work through four main areas as part of the apprenticeship.