Building sustainable economies
Finance and accounting professionals are vital to sustainable economies and organisations. That’s why it’s our vision to develop the accountancy profession the world needs.
- A trusted global profession that upholds the highest standards of ethics, working in the public interest to build confidence and create the conditions for thriving sustainable economies.
- A profession that helps organisations create, protect and report on the value they create for themselves and the impact they have on society and the planet.
- A profession that works to a single set of global standards, which underpin a sustainable global economy, facilitating fair international trade and lessening inequalities.
Our call to action for policy makers to
- Strengthen and grow the accountancy profession so organisations have access to the trusted expertise they need to deliver sustainable economic value.
- Adopt policies and regulations that drive sustainable business practices, promoting ethical, and responsible decision making that delivers value and supports the transition to Net Zero.
- Adopt and implement global standards to drive accountability and trust in national economies, attracting investment and facilitating international trade.
- Ensure SMEs/SMPs, representing 90% of business and 50% employment worldwide, are reflected in economic policies to drive innovation and entrepreneurship that contributes to sustainable economic growth.
How we can work together
We bring a global perspective to national challenges by:
- sharing our knowledge and expertise to inform and shape the development of national accountancy professions that support sustainable economies
- advising on the development and implementation of policies, standards and regulations that drive sustainable and ethical business practices, a strong public sector and facilitate international trade
- through our connections into the SME/SMP community, providing the practical insights to inform the design of policies that ensure this sector thrives
- providing access to a global community of qualified accountants who are continuously developing, so organisations have access to the skills they need.