The ACCA Study Hub and our recognised content partners ensure you'll always have the highest quality study materials for your learning journey.
ACCA Study Hub
In addition to our ACCA Content Partners, ACCA students have access to the ACCA Study Hub. The hub should be considered complementary to your existing study options and not a replacement.
- Access the ACCA Study Hub via the 'My qualifications' area of your myACCA account
- Find out more about the ACCA Study Hub
The ACCA Study Hub is an exclusive digital platform providing free access to study materials for students globally. It is available for students taking FIA, Applied Knowledge, Applied Skills and Strategic Professional exams.
What's included in the Study Hub?
- Free online study content which covers the full syllabus
- Short quizzes to test understanding as you progress through the chapters
- Practice and revision questions and flashcards, to help prepare you for your exam.
ACCA's Content Partner programme
ACCA's Content Partner programme aims to ensure the widest possible access to quality learning materials for ACCA students.
Our Content Partners are:
The content partner question and answer banks are a great source of exam-style questions, so we strongly recommend that you use these as your primary resource when it comes to question practice. Content partners always update their question and answer banks to reflect the latest syllabus content, examinable documents and exam structure.
For more information about the types of materials offered by our content partners, please visit their websites and contact them directly.
Recognised Content Provider programme
This is programme covers ACCA variant exams and qualifications other than the main ACCA, Foundations and DipIFR qualifications.
Given the market-specific nature of these exams and qualifications, the approval criteria are different to those that apply to the programme covering ACCA’s global qualifications and exams, but all materials recognised under this programme are assessed by ACCA’s examining team to ensure they are of the very highest quality.
Note that content partners listed above may also provide learning materials for variant exams and other qualifications but these are approved under the terms of the Content Partner Programme.