Your annual student subscription.

Your ACCA student subscription was due on 10 January 2025.

Make a difference. You are an important part of the future.

In this ever-evolving time, finance professionals have an essential role in building a better, more sustainable world.

Renew your student subscription today to continue your journey with ACCA and make sure you are a part of this exciting future.

Why renew?

  • Stand out to top employers. The ACCA Qualification is trusted around the world, making you stand out amongst the competition.
  • Go anywhere, do anything. The ACCA Qualification gives you the flexibility to work in any sector, and in any industry. 
  • A fountain of knowledge. Our wide and diverse syllabus covers more than just numbers and offers you the chance to specialise at the Strategic Professional level.
  • Flexibility: Exam sessions are offered each quarter with some exams available on-demand, giving you the flexibility to progress at your own pace. Depending on where you live, you may be able to take your exam at home as a remote exam, or at one of our exam centres.
  • The support you need to succeed. A wide range of study resources are available to support you throughout your journey.

How to renew

Renewing is simple and only takes a few minutes. The simplest and quickest way to pay is online, via your myACCA account, although there are other options available. 

View details of all the payment methods available.

Details of the current annual subscription fee is available on our list of fees and charges.

Please note if you have other fees outstanding, you must pay these by the due date.

Don’t renew?

Your account will be risk of suspension and removal from our register. You will receive reminders and a notice prior to any suspension taking place.

Key dates

Your 2025 ACCA student subscription was due on 10 January 2025