Bad weather notice for ACCA exam in Hong Kong.

Please note that as the ACCA examinations are written worldwide and cancellation or postponement is a very serious matter; any decision to do so will be made only when it is absolutely necessary.

If weather conditions are doubtful (such as the possible raising of a No.8 or higher Typhoon Signal or Rainstorm Red or Black Warning), all candidates should listen to the radio or television broadcasting stations for information on exams scheduled by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) right up to the time they leave for the examination centre.

Students should note that:

  • the announcement of closure of schools due to a tropical cyclone or bad weather does not necessarily imply the postponement/cancellation of an examination scheduled to be held on the same day;
  • if HKEAA announces that all public examinations conducted by the HKEAA for the afternoon session are cancelled, it means the ACCA Professional/DipIFR/FIA/Oxford Brookes MBA examination will also be cancelled.

Read the Bad Weather Notice enclosed with the Examination Attendance Docket (EAD) for details.