Standing for election to Council
Who can stand for election?
Any member can stand for election. You’ll need to meet our rules for eligibility as defined by bye-law 15 (PDF, 6KB).
To register your interest in standing for election, please contact the Secretary via email:
The opening date for nominations is 6 April 2025 and the closing date for nominations is 6 August 2025.
See further guidance for standing for election to Council.
What happens after I register my interest?
You will receive a web link to a website to enable you to submit your nomination. Your nomination must be completed by 6 August 2025.
You will need:
- The support of a minimum of ten named supporters, who must be ACCA members in good standing;
- To submit an election statement of no more than 350 words;
- To provide a current head and shoulders photograph; and
- A pro-forma to confirm that you will comply with ACCA's Standing Orders and Code of Practice.
You can also supply an optional one-minute long video in support of your nomination. We'll send these to our members along with their AGM papers.
Election timetable
Nominations close on 6 August 2025. If you would like to stand for election, make sure we receive your nomination and supporting information by then.
We'll circulate candidate details to all members as part of the AGM information pack, with the majority of members receiving notification via email. Please note that emails to members will come from Civica Election Services.
Online and postal voting opens on 23 September 2025.
Voting closes at 13:00 GMT on 23 October 2025. Results will be announced at our AGM on 6 November 2025.
How do I get elected?
Voting in elections is open to all members and opens 23 September 2025. Those candidates who receive most votes at the closing date of 23 September 2025 will be elected to vacant seats on Council. Results of the elections will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on 6 November 2025.
Council responsibilities
Council has a wide-ranging remit that includes:
- ensuring that we operate in the public interest and deliver the objectives stated in our Royal Charter
- setting the overall direction of ACCA through regular approval of our strategy
- engaging with our members to explain and promote our strategic direction
- providing an objective environment for the executive team to explore new ideas or challenges.
Council members act on behalf of the whole ACCA membership and are responsible for ensuring that our development continues in line with our stated mission and values.
By doing this, Council has an important public value role, being ultimately responsible for safeguarding our reputation, image and brand. This ensures that these are protected and improved for the benefit of existing and future members, their clients, employers and the public at large.
How much time do I need to commit?
Members are elected to Council for an initial term of three years. Council members must then either retire or stand for re-election. Members can serve for a maximum of nine years, but this can be extended to 12 years if they become an Officer in their last term.
Council members’ commitments include attendance at the three Council meetings held each year and the annual Council meeting which follows the AGM. Council meetings are typically held online or in the UK and require some preparation time. In addition, you may also be invited to attend some seminars and dinners for Council members.
As a Council member you may be asked to represent Council at members events by the market teams and to other advocacy activities in markets.
More information
- Code or practice for members (PDF download, 127kb)
- ACCA Rulebook download page
- Bye-law 15 (PDF download, 6kb)