• Why AI needs ethics - includes multiple-choice questions for verifiable CPD

    A new ACCA report explores the impact of artificial intelligence on the profession's core values

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  • How bots review job applications - includes multiple-choice questions for verifiable CPD

    It helps to be aware how employers are using AI to sift through candidates

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  • AI Act on the horizon - includes multiple-choice questions for verifiable CPD

    The EU’s forthcoming legislation is a major turning point in the development and application of artificial intelligence

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  • The rise of the LLM - includes multiple-choice questions for verifiable CPD

    How the large language models that underpin generative AI work

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  • High hopes for tech's potential

    Finance professionals reflect on the ethical adoption of AI as it promises to transform business

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  • Accountants lead on AI investment

    Firms expect the technology to improve productivity

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  • How AI can support marketing

    Technology can help to unlock powerful insights about how your clients feel about you

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  • Privacy concerns around AI

    Artificial intelligence’s allure should be viewed through a security lens

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  • A history lesson in AI

    From Frankenstein to ChatGPT, we map the journey of artificial intelligence over the decades

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  • AI impacts professional liability

    Accountants using generative artificial intelligence need to embrace risk protection policies

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  • AI: a tool for sustainability?

    The growing field of predictive analytics can help business and government in the battle against climate change

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  • Harnessing new digital technology

    A new report from ACCA explores the technological developments likely to change the finance landscape

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  • How AI can support compliance

    Artificial intelligence can be incorporated into data security and compliance protocols

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  • Shift the AI mindset

    Addressing staff fears and the data security concerns is key to capturing the great potential gains of AI

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  • AI at work

    Accountants lead the way in investing in AI technology

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  • AI’s impact on tax professionals

    Handled correctly, artificial intelligence will create greater capacity to provide value to customers and stakeholders

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  • AI: from fiction to reality

    Bots such as ChatGPT and Alexa are recent developments, but artificial intelligence’s journey to this point has taken decades

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  • Who is using AI?

    A third of businesses that have adopted the new technology are deploying it in their finance function

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  • AI helps create financial statements

    ChatGPT does well in an experiment to create a trial balance

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  • Mitigating AI risk - includes multiple-choice questions for verifiable CPD

    Organisations will need to create multidisciplinary teams to assess the various risk factors inherent in the technology

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  • Improve client experience with AI

    Artificial intelligence software can help you to understand – and react to – your clients’ needs

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  • AI for greener supply chains

    Six ways the technology is revolutionising how companies manage their operations

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  • How to regulate AI

    ACCA and EY urge the UK government to accelerate creation of an artificial intelligence ecosystem

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  • The dangers of artificial intelligence

    History and a certain dystopian film warn us that humans must remain central to the AI revolution

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  • Cautious welcome for AI

    Accountants believe ChatGPT-type tools should be used in their day-to-day work, although many want to wait before major roll-outs

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  • Humans and AI in harmony?

    The rapid advance of technology in finance must complement the evolving skills of accountancy professionals

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  • Working with AI

    Clodagh Monks FCCA, CFO of start-up Clearword, on using technology to make meetings more efficient

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  • Computer versus human

    Cutting through the hype around AI to achieve real business benefit will be a challenge

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