You've made the fantastic decision to invest in your future by choosing ACCA as your route to becoming a qualified finance professional. Now it's time to get started with your exams.
InSession exam countdown emails
Now that you're getting ready to sit exams, it's a good time to explore the support resources on this page and across the website. We know that this can be a bit daunting - but don't worry. Once you've booked an exam, you'll start to receive InSession our series of learning support emails. These weekly, tailored emails will signpost the core support resources and activities that you should be completing each week as you count down to exam day.
Book your exam now to start receiving tailored support straight to your inbox.
Study phases
Your study schedule will depend on a number of factors including how many exams you're taking, your work commitments, whether you're in full time or part time study as well as your other life commitments. So before you start studying for an exam, it's important to take time to think about your exam strategy and plan your route through the exams.
Once your decided the order to take your exams you will want to set out a study schedule. Explore the various phases of study in the build up to take an exam, and discover the key resources to use at each phase.
Once you've planned which exams you want to take when, you'll need to make a detailed study plan to organise your time from now until exam day. Be realistic and consider when you are best able to study - maybe early mornings work better for you or perhaps shorter, more frequent study periods. Also consider building in a period of time to review and consolidate your learning.
Key resources:
- Compass study planner
- planning your study web pages and study planner template.
Gain the knowledge you need and learn how to apply that knowledge in an exam. You should work towards a broad understanding of the full syllabus and gain an understanding of the focus of the exam, the exam format and the basic technical knowledge you will need to gain
Also note that studying with an Approved Learning Partner significantly increases your chances of exam success.
Key resources:
- introduction to exam resources
- syllabus
- specimen exam
- self-check modules
- examiner's approach article.
Ensure you are confident with the knowledge needed to pass the exam. You can suppliment your knowledge building with technical articles.
Exam-standard question practice in the ACCA Practice Platform is important. Start with using specimen exams and then work through practice exams and past exams to check your understanding of topics you’ve studied. Finish by attempting a mock exam under exam conditions and debriefing your answers.
Key resources:
- technical articles
- ACCA Practice Platform - question practice
- examiner's reports
Become clear on the knowledge you need to pass the exam as well as how to apply that knowledge. Complete at least one full mock exam under timed conditions. Then debrief your mock exam thoroughly using the model answers and marking schemes in the ACCA Practice Platform.
Work on the skills you need to pass the exam – e.g. time management and remember that the closer you can get to practising in exam conditions the better prepared you will be on exam day.
Key resources:
- ACCA Practice Platform
- exam technique resources.
Self-check modules - get ready for your next exam
An important factor in exam success is underpinning knowledge so we've created a series of self-check modules to check your understanding of key syllabus areas and core concepts before you tackle a new subject. Find out more