Certificate in Tax and Regulation (UAE).

Who is it for?

The Certificate in Tax and Regulation (UAE) has been prepared for:

  • qualified accountants and auditors to ensure they are up to date with tax related developments in the UAE
  • accountants who qualified before the introduction of the UAE Corporate Tax law or who have been away from audit practice and want to ensure that their knowledge is up to date

An educational or vocational background in audit is recommended before commencing the Certificate in Tax and Regulation (UAE).

How it works

The Certificate in Tax and Regulation (UAE) is structured in an accessible and user-friendly way that underlines key information and provides useful summaries. It provides topic-by-topic exploration of specific articles, laws and decrees. There are a number of knowledge checks in each module allowing you to test your knowledge as you progress through the course. 

The course is updated regularly to make sure it stays relevant. Part A consists of seven modules and nine hours of interactive material. Part B consists of seven modules and approximately 10.5 hours of interactive material.  

Candidates must complete the course and pass the assessment to be awarded the Certificate.