Accountants, with their broadening skillset, have a central role to play in informing, driving and embedding sustainable approaches. Accountants can only fulfil their role through the creation and use of interconnected sustainability and financial information.

Here we have a range of resources and a series of guides that will enable everyone, especially professional accountants, to take a leading role enabling better business through the creation and use of sustainability-related information.

Guides and insights

Workshops and video resources

Your five-point agenda for action

ACCA encourages all to:

1. Embed a sustainability-led culture and risk management throughout the organisation

2. Collaborate to co-create and share sustainability-related processes, data, and insights

3. Leverage technology to collect, analyse and communicate connected sustainability-related and financial information

4. Employ ethical practices to mitigate ethical dilemmas that may arise from creating, communicating and using sustainability-related information

5. Continually learn to remain abreast of developments in the sustainability and business landscape.