It requires everyone involved in procurement activities to act with integrity in all supplier interactions and to gain appropriate assurance that we are engaging ethical suppliers, protecting the reputation and brand of ACCA. 

Our procurement activity is  aligned (either directly or indirectly) to delivering ACCA’s strategic priorities and strategy, and therefore we establish relationships that are consistent to the values of ACCA and the communities we serve. Our policy principles centre on: 

  1. Securing value for money for members and future members – which we achieve through competitive sourcing.
  2. Actively managing exposure to risk – which we achieve by following the correct sourcing route and applying due diligence. 
  3. Acting with integrity and accountability – which we achieve through being transparent and objective in selecting and working with suppliers and partners, holding ourselves accountable for the outcomes. 
  4. Optimising value, innovation and continuous improvement - which we achieve through consistent and effective management of our supplier and partner relationships.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Supplier code of conduct demonstrates the principles we hold close and makes it easy for a supplier to understand who we are, how we work and what we stand for.

It is a joint commitment between ACCA and our suppliers, leading with our intentions of how we wish to behave and work together to be a force for public good. 

Our code of conduct will help us create common ground with our suppliers for sustainability commitments, this includes our commitment to:

  • Sustainability and business ethics

  • Health, safety and environment

  • Human rights which include’s prevention of modern slavery

  • Diversity and inclusion

  • Information security

  • Privacy

  • Building resilience

  • Anti-bribery and anti-corruption. 

In addition to our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), our code of conduct should be read by prospective suppliers and additionally our incumbent suppliers. This can be distributed through their supply chain to subcontractors and those involved in supporting our contracts. 

Due Diligence of our Supply Chain 

Supplier due diligence is an integral part of ACCA’s Procurement policy.  Due diligence is essential to ensuring ACCA identifies and mitigates risk which may impact upon its business operations and also to ensure ACCA meets its legal obligations of evidencing its supply chain is free from modern slavery, bribery and corruption. 

New suppliers who are being considered to work with ACCA are required to complete due diligence as part of the determination of awarding a contract, will typically complete as per the following approach:

  • As appropriate will be undertaken with all bidders during an RFP or negotiation process, as required.

  • Due diligence responses will then be considered to inform source selection and any resulting award of business

Post award of contract our suppliers are reviewed at an ongoing frequency to ensure the high standards are maintained and we can identify the improvements of our supply chain. 

Key contact For further information on any aspects of our supply chain and procurement processes, please contact ACCA’s Procurement team: