The syllabus contains the following topics.
An overview of the work of the Board (IPSASB), including its organisation, the characteristics of public sector entities, the relationship between IPSAS® and the corresponding International Accounting Standards (IAS) / International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the purpose of financial statements and any ongoing projects.
Financial statement presentation and accounting policy
Develops an overview of:
- financial statements (IPSAS® 1)
- cash flow statements (IPSAS® 2)
- accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates, and errors (IPSAS® 3).
Financial performance
Provides an understanding of:
- non-exchange revenue (IPSAS® 23)
- exchange revenue (IPSAS® 9)
- construction contracts (IPSAS® 11).
Accounting for assets and liabilities
Delivers teaching around a wide range of topics including:
- borrowing costs (IPSAS® 5)
- inventories (IPSAS® 12)
- leases (IPSAS® 13, 43)
- events after the reporting date (IPSAS® 14)
- investment property (IPSAS® 16)
- property plant and equipment (IPSAS® 17)
- provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets (IPSAS® 19)
- impairment of non-cash generating assets (IPSAS® 21)
- impairment of cash generating assets (IPSAS® 26)
- agriculture (IPSAS® 27)
- intangible assets (IPSAS® 31)
- employee benefits (IPSAS® 39)
- social benefits (IPSAS® 42)
- non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations (IPSAS® 44).
Accounting for financial instruments
Provides teaching on:
- financial instruments: presentation (IPSAS® 28)
- financial instruments (IPSAS® 41)
- financial instruments: disclosures (IPSAS® 30).
Delivers training around all standards dealing directly with consolidation:
- consolidated and separate financial statements (IPSAS® 34, 35)
- investments in associates and joint ventures (IPSAS® 36)
- joint arrangements (IPSAS 37)
- disclosure of interests in other entities (IPSAS 38)
- public sector combinations (IPSAS 40)
The training also covers some additional topics that may impact on consolidated accounts:
- translation of financial statements of foreign operations (IPSAS® 4)
- financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies (IPSAS® 10)
Disclosure and presentation of financial information
Discusses the IPSASs that relate to disclosure and presentation of financial information as well as concession arrangements for the grantor:
- presentation of budget information in financial statements (IPSAS® 24)
- segment reporting (IPSAS® 18)
- related party disclosures (IPSAS® 20)
- disclosure of financial information about the general government sector (IPSAS® 22)
- service concession arrangements: grantor (IPSAS® 32).
Cash basis IPSAS®
Teaches learners about Part 1 of the cash basis IPSAS®, covering required information in:
- the statement of cash receipts and payments
- disclosures
- consolidation under the cash basis
- presentation of budget information in the financial statements
It also covers the additional (non-mandatory) disclosures encouraged in Part 2 of the cash basis IPSAS®.
First-time adoption of accrual-based IPSAS®
Delivers training cover the following areas:
- migrating from cash to accrual basis
- first time adoption of IPSAS® (IPSAS® 33)
- change management and the adoption of IPSAS®.
Forthcoming proposals for change
Teaches learners about public sector financial crisis and IPSAS®, IPSASB’s strategic direction and forthcoming proposals from the IPSASB.