Policy and insights report
At a time when the regulatory requirements for sustainability reporting are growing, this guide provides real-world scenarios for accountants and non-accountants to equip them to manage the ethical dilemmas they regularly face.
The swift progress currently being made implementing sustainability reporting across the world brings with it associated risks for matters of ethics and independence to which all those involved – accountants and non-accountants, need to be alert. Poor-quality reporting, including ‘greenwashing’, a lack of trust in published information and consequent faulty decision making could be the result.
Ethics for a better world: Ethics and sustainability
Sharon Machado, head of sustainable business at ACCA, and Professor Lisa Weaver of Warwick Business School discuss ethics and sustainability
This report identifies the risks around ethics and independence associated with sustainability reporting. Accountants and other professionals involved in implementing sustainability reporting regularly face ethical dilemmas. This guide provides real-world scenarios to equip them to manage dilemmas often presented by:
• Risks of greenwashing
• Weakness in processes and systems
• Lacking technical knowledge
• Compromises in objectivity and independence.
Further practical support is provided through a checklist of questions to drive better application of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants Code principles, including professional scepticism and curiosity. The guide aims to help users avoid consequences such as poor-quality reporting, including ‘greenwashing’, a loss of trust and faulty decision-making.
Further reading
- Integrative thinking: the guide to becoming a value-adding CFO
- Professional accountants changing business for the planet: a guide to natural capital management
- Sustainability assurance - rising to the challenge
- ACCA principles for connected corporate reporting
- Sustainability reporting in the public sector
- Accounting for a better world
Policy and insights report
"This guide will help accountants and other professionals to create balanced reports that are a fair reflection of organisations’ performance and impacts."
Sharon Machado, head of sustainable business at ACCA