The global body for professional accountants


Online course | PwC

IAS 12 Income taxes

Understand the fundamentals of income tax and the standards disclosure requirements


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Income tax payable derives from the taxable income. But taxable profit is not necessarily equal to accounting profit. What happens when the taxable profit is different from the profit of IFRS financial statements?

This course helps you understand exactly what deferred taxes are, when they arise, how current and future income taxes are recognised and measured, how taxes are presented and which disclosures are required related to income taxes, according to IAS 12. In addition, the accounting of current taxes is briefly discussed. The course includes practical examples and tests.

You will learn:

  • the concept of deferred taxes and current taxes
  • when you need to account for deferred taxes and what the recognition exemptions are
  • step-by-step calculation of deferred tax amounts
  • whether a deferred tax asset or a deferred tax liability arises
  • the recognition requirements and correct journals for current and deferred income taxes
  • IAS 12 standard's disclosure requirements.
  • Designed for finance and accounting experts who are familiar with fundamental (local) accounting and reporting processes.
  • Part of the IFRS e-learning series developed by PwC Academy.
  • 12-month access.


Price 45 GBP



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