Technical articles
Production volume, capacity utilisation and efficiency ratios
This article looks at how to calculate the production volume, capacity utilisation and efficiency ratios and is relevant to section C2 of the MA1 Study Guide.
Effective presentation and communication of information using charts
This article looks at the variety of chart types and the features that make a particular chart type appropriate for the type of data being presented. Some useful tips on presentation are also provided, together with guidance on interpreting the data presented in the charts.
Getting to grips with spreadsheets
With the use of spreadsheets appearing in both syllabuses for MA1 and MA2, this article provides some practical guidance and exercises on using Excel, outlining the purpose of its various features and highlighting alternative approaches.
Exam technique
How to prepare for on-demand computer-based exams (FIA exams)
This article will guide you on the skills and exam techniques required in preparing for on-demand CBEs for FIA exams.
Five steps to multiple-choice success
A five-step approach to answering multiple-choice questions.
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