Vintoria Bernard

Introducing Vintoria



Q: Tell us about your career highlights so far

A: The first highlight of my career was being accepted at PwC after graduating university. I was fortunate to have some of the best teachers and meet interesting and supportive people that laid the foundation for the years ahead. Another highlight was as the financial controller of a medium-sized manufacturing company, where my team and I were able to computerise the operations to completely turn the company around. My greatest achievement to date is being president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica.

Q: What difference do you bring to a business?

A: My clients trust me because I am frank and of integrity. I honour my word, and this has resulted in me being their trusted advisor.

Q: How has your practice responded to COVID-19?

A: Interactions both within and outside of the practice have become more on-line and we’ve had to become creative in serving those clients that have no connectivity.

Q: Got any successful connection or collaboration stories?

A: Recently, I got a really big job through my connections with a quasi-government organisation. There was no way I could have taken on that scope of work as a sole practitioner, so I collaborated with two colleagues and we got the job done on time and within budget.