Rosanna Choi

Introducing Rosanna



Q: What’s unique about you? (skills, achievements, languages etc.)

A: In spite of my busy professional agenda, I am committed to giving back to society. I played an active role in ACCA Global as a councillor for 9 years up to 2019/20, and now serve as the Chairperson of its Global Forum for SMEs. In addition, I am one of the founding directors of Social Ventures Hong Kong, a social venture philanthropy foundation that is instrumental in the development of innovative social enterprises in Hong Kong.

Q: How has your practice/role responded to COVID?

A: With offices in Hong Kong SAR and mainland China, my practice experienced the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak. The challenging times not only brought the teams even closer together, but helped the practice become more innovative and flexible, more tech savvy (ZOOM/ Teams meetings, cloud computing, RPA, etc) and definitely more resilient.

Q: What have you/your practice struggled with?

A: Supply chain issues mean that clients are delaying their payments but fortunately the practice has contingency funds, and its diverse customer base means it is not overexposed to the hardest-hit sectors and geographies. We are all facing unprecedented situations, but we can turn challenges into opportunities.

Q: How do you handle change?

A: Today, one must anticipate change and be proactive in managing it. We need to be critical thinkers and problem solvers that look for novel and creative solutions.