Question 1 Does the Framework cover all of the areas of audit quality that you would expect? If not, what else should be included?
Factors included in the Framework
The Framework appears to us to include most of the areas that are likely to be relevant to audit quality. Having said that, however, we believe that it is important to set the boundaries for the factors to be considered by reference to their proximity to, and impact on, audit quality. We see little point in analysing factors that have no material effect on audit quality. The Framework has addressed this to some extent as the analysis (Appendix 2) demonstrates that factors are included that are perceived as 'important' or 'less important' by the groups surveyed.
Some factors that could be regarded as having a large impact on audit quality are not dealt with in the Framework because they are treated as a given, for example a stable and consistent supply of electricity that facilitates the use of modern technology and communications. We agree with this approach but would have appreciated (perhaps in a supporting document) some discussion of such factors, because their existence cannot be taken for granted in all jurisdictions.
There are, of course, fundamental problems in attempting to define any boundary conditions that could determine the inclusion or exclusion of factors. Firstly, quality is not capable of precise definition and, secondly, it is not capable of quantitative measurement. The Framework includes factors that are considered important in two dimensions: technical and service (as explained in the Detailed discussion of survey results). Notwithstanding the wording of paragraph 18 of the Framework (‘A quality audit is likely to be achieved when . . . ‘), service elements are included. While there is some argument that there is no such thing as a purely service matter, the Framework does not express a view on the primacy of the components. This we believe adds to the difficulty of defining and measuring audit quality (insofar as that is possible) and to the difficulty of using the Framework to communicate about audit quality.
We would have preferred the Framework to take a clear line on quality by adopting the perspective of shareholders (and increasingly others who demand accountability from an entity) so as to determine quality by reference to what delivers the best value to such stakeholders. By this we do not mean that the Framework should focus exclusively on user perceptions of quality as, while these are important, they are only indirectly associated with what actually drives audit quality. For users, it is the technical component that ultimately delivers the value of audit – reflecting the value to them of the information and the added confidence in it that audit provides.
Users may not actually form a view on the value of audit, but their perception of what is necessary to deliver adequate value is an indirect measure. The mechanisms for transmitting that valuation back to the audit are complex and include those where society can be thought of as the instigator, for example through legislation or the bringing into being of standard setters and regulators. This itself responds to user demands. Price – whether the fee for an audit or the cost of audit failure – is a key recognition of the value of audit. We believe it is possible to talk in terms of the concept of the overall value of audit to a society, though that does not mean that every audit has equal value; individual circumstances differ. In general the price of audit is not set at individual entity level, other than to accommodate certain entity-specific factors (such as the difficulty of audit of a particular industry). Instead, it reflects judgements made at a degree of aggregation, such as on the listing status of a company or even the availability of exemption from statutory audit.
The audit needs to be of sufficient quality to deliver the value determined as above. But what are the constituents of the audit that determine value? Auditors employ the concepts of materiality and reasonable assurance. These are themselves complex concepts but essentially an audit opinion conveys assurance to users at a level of accuracy of the underlying information (whether there are any material misstatements) and a level of assurance (how confident the auditor is in the opinion). In general these concepts do not vary significantly between audits: the law and technical standards accept that the accuracy of the audit opinion may be about the same as the accuracy of the information audited and the confidence is high, albeit nowhere near the (say) 99.99999% chance of surviving a single jet flight.
In practice, at a particular time, in a particular place, the necessary level of audit quality is also fixed. It is achieved by conformity to law, regulation and standards determined by society (as part of the mechanism of communicating value back to the auditor).
Stakeholders can also misread the signals of value. This imprecision can result in 'expectations gaps' where stakeholders interpret the value of audit differently and their actions fail to coordinate with those of other stakeholders. In so subjective a domain, the effects of actions relevant to audit quality are themselves difficult to assess. Thus, one area where the Framework can assist is through promoting a common understanding.
Limitations on analysis of individual factors
Although the framework analyses the factors into categories and levels, and in some cases the stakeholders that are the most relevant, it does not attempt to analyse for each factor:
- the degree of its impact on audit quality
- its interactions with other factors
- the timespan over which a factor is relevant
- the rate of change of the factor.
Indeed, other than explain what a factor is, the Framework often does not explain how a change in the factor would affect audit quality.
There are some notable exceptions to this. For example in paragraph 41, the involvement of senior personnel over a number of years may be a threat to independence but that should be balanced against the potential benefits to audit quality that arise from the senior personnel’s detailed knowledge of the entity and its business. Paragraph 172 discusses the publishing of individual audit firm inspection reports and notes that auditors may adopt a more defensive approach to inspection findings which may reduce the appetite to welcome and respond constructively to criticism.
We would like to see the Framework conduct more analysis in relation to the most significant factors, as that would assist readers in making choices between alternative policies and actions. For example, some will see independence as being so crucial to audit quality that regular rotation of audit firms needs to take place, whereas others regard client knowledge possessed by a long-serving auditor as being a more important contributor to audit quality.
Some factors have a natural rate of change, while change in others can be managed; for example, a standard setter may accelerate or delay the updating of standards. Auditing has a natural annual cycle matching the financial reporting period and that cycle is characterised by peak activity for audit firms relating to the bunching of year ends at a calendar or fiscal year end. The fact that so much audit work is concentrated in the same period of the year is likely to impose strains on the resources of even the largest audit firm and could thus in itself be a factor in the achievement of audit quality. The Framework does not recognise this issue, nor does it offer any suggestions to companies, auditors, regulators and legislators about how they might in their different ways seek to minimise the potential adverse effect of such concentration.
In what appears to us to be an otherwise comprehensive approach to the factors relevant to audit quality, we were disappointed that the Framework did not emphasise innovation or sustainability, as elaborated on below.
The Framework refers to the evolution of the audit firm’s audit methodology and tools to respond to changes in professional standards and findings of internal reviews and regulatory inspections. The Framework stops at that, however, and does not explore the wider aspects of innovation and its impediments; the removal of which could do much to increase audit quality. In ACCA's view, promotion of innovation should be at the forefront of actions for quality.
In a rapidly changing business environment, the ability of the auditor to be flexible and innovative may be an extremely important contributor to audit quality. Similarly, legislators and standard setters must strive to overcome the inertia imposed by resource constraints and the need to achieve a degree of consensus and transparency in due process.
ACCA outreach, via roundtables held across the world, has shown that fear of litigation has had a detrimental effect on innovation in audit. Although fear of litigation can encourage auditors to carry out a robust audit, it can also drive them to be defensive and to resist improvements in process, scope and transparency.
We are disappointed that the Framework has not made any connection between audit quality and the maintenance of a sustainable environment, economy and society. We believe that it is important to judge audit quality in relation to all the dimensions of business activity.
IAASB should take into account, in framing the audit environment, the increasing focus of corporate reporting on non-financial reporting, including integrated reporting, the purpose behind this trend being to provide users with a more rounded impression of a company’s performance and prospects than is provided by traditional financial reporting. A recent ACCA research report concluded that: ‘Business all over the world, including firms of auditors, are seeing the link between sustainability and performance, . . . the exercise of measuring and reporting sustainability activities to stakeholders with clear, accurate data is increasingly relevant and quickly becoming a priority.'[3]
Question 2 Does the Framework reflect the appropriate balance of responsibilities for audit quality between the auditor (engagement team and firm), the entity (management and those charged with governance), and other stakeholders? If not, which areas of the Framework should be revised and how?
The Framework categorises factors relevant to audit quality. That categorisation includes attribution to those responsible for, or able to influence, a factor, but we do not believe that form of presentation allows conclusions to be drawn about the balance of responsibilities. Moreover, the Framework does not attempt to assess the relative importance of the factors it explores, which would be a necessary step before judging the degree of responsibility of a stakeholder.
The Framework correctly asserts that the primary responsibility for performing quality audits rests with auditors. A key message that the Framework successfully communicates is that other stakeholders have a role to play.
Ultimately it is the shareholders (and increasingly others who demand accountability from an entity) that determine the value of audit – reflecting the value to them of the information they see and the added confidence in it that audit provides. Other than acknowledging the primacy of the shareholder, we see no particular merit in trying to assign places in a hierarchy of responsibility: it is only important that the Framework acknowledges the existence and role of the various stakeholders that influence audit quality; this it does.