The IASB also proposes to include in paragraph 130 the requirement to disclose the following information about the fair value less costs of disposal of an individual asset (including goodwill) or a cash-generating unit for which the entity has recognised or reversed an impairment loss during the reporting period:
(a) the valuation technique(s) used to measure fair value less costs of disposal and, if there has been a change in the valuation technique, that change and the reason(s) for making it;
(b) the level of the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement of the asset is categorised in its entirety (without taking into account whether the ‘costs of disposal’ are observable); and
(c) for fair value measurements that are categorised within Levels 2 and 3 of the fair value hierarchy, the key assumptions used in the measurement.
Do you agree with the proposed amendments? If not, why and what alternative do you propose?
The IASB is supplementing the disclosures about how fair value less costs of disposal has been arrived at, for consistency with US GAAP. We note that the IASB considers that the supplementary disclosures do not change the overall nature of what should be disclosed in accordance with IAS 36. The changes incorporate the fair value hierarchy used in IFRS 13, requiring additional disclosures for a fair value measurement categorised within Levels 2 and 3, where inputs (assumptions) are less readily observable.
ACCA agrees with the proposed supplements to the disclosure requirements set out in para 130 (f) of IAS 36, and does not believe that these add to disclosure ‘clutter’. The proposals reflect what an entity should be expected to disclose, and to the extent that the fair value hierarchy is part of this disclosure process, assists in making IAS 36 consistent with IFRS 13, the scope of which excludes fair value less costs of disposal.