We should like to raise the following comments:
i. Paragraph 12.3 of the draft Procedure appears unreasonable. We would be interested to know why the FRC considers evidence that would not be admissible in a court appropriate for consideration by the IST when coming to its decision. We believe that the FRC should place greater importance on fairness and openness when redrafting the Auditor Regulatory Sanctions Procedure.
ii. According to paragraph 14.2(f) of the draft Procedure, former members of the governing bodies and former officers and employees of the RSBs may be appointed to the IST after a ‘cooling off’ period of one year. This period seems brief, and the rationale has not been explained. ACCA requires a period of three years before a former employee or Council member may serve on its regulatory or disciplinary Committees, and in the case of auditor independence and employment relationships (according to Ethical Standard 2 Financial, Business, Employment and Personal Relationships), the relevant period is two years.
iii. Paragraph 4.2 of the draft Provision lists ‘Suspension of Registration’ among the available sanctions, but paragraph 4.3 explains that, during a period of suspension, a Registered Auditor may continue to act as auditor for existing clients. The latter paragraph requires detailed review and revision. In our opinion, a recipient of the publicity concerning such a sanction would not consider the conditions in paragraph 4.3 to amount to a suspension.
The only proposed restrictions for the suspended auditor firm are that it may not accept any new appointments and that it may only ‘sign’ audit reports with the permission of the Monitoring Committee. We should like clarity concerning whether these restrictions will apply only in respect of major audit clients. Furthermore, it is unclear in what circumstances a Registered Auditor would be permitted to act as auditor but denied permission by the Monitoring Committee to sign the audit report.
iv. We note that withdrawal of registration is also an available sanction. While this would usually be a sanction favoured by ACCA (requiring reapplication when appropriate), we would expect this sanction to be determined rarely under the Auditor Regulatory Sanctions Procedure, as it would require the Registered Auditor to resign from all audits, and not just those of public interest entities.
v. We note that all meetings and hearings are to be conducted in private, and we have considered the appropriateness of this in view of the fact that they will often concern public interest entities. While it may be asserted that this is not best practice, sanctions are to be considered against the Registered Auditor, rather than the audit client, and there will often be a strong argument in favour of protecting the identity of the client.
Counter to this is the argument that supports the regulatory principle of transparency. A hearing of the IST will take place when the Monitoring Committee has failed to agree a sanction with the Registered Auditor and, therefore, the circumstances of the hearing would be expected to be somewhat contentious. Under such conditions, the FRC would wish to avoid criticism that sanctions were being ‘agreed behind closed doors’.
These two opposing views illustrate the challenge that remains for the FRC concerning whether or not it is in the public interest for hearings of the IST to take place in private.
vi. Paragraph 2.3 of the outline of the proposed Procedure states that AQR staff may attend meetings of the Monitoring Committee, although Registered Auditors may not attend. This does not appear to be reflected in paragraph 13.2 of the proposed Procedure, which states that the meetings may be attended by anyone for the purpose of advising the Monitoring Committee on its ‘duties, powers or procedures and the law’ or by ‘any other person permitted by the Monitoring Committee’. In any case, in our opinion, the imbalance suggested by paragraph 2.3 of the outline is unacceptable, both in practice and appearance.
vii. Paragraph 10.1 refers to the appointment of an IST in accordance with paragraph 17, although the relevant provisions for appointment of an IST are, in fact, within paragraph 14.