An individual is eligible for EIS relief if he subscribes for relevant shares in a qualifying company with which he is not connected.
For the purposes of establishing whether an individual is connected with a company, a 30% test applies. If an individual, together his associates, holds more than 30% of the share capital, loan capital, voting rights or rights on winding-up, they will be 'connected' and therefore not eligible for relief under the scheme.
'Associates' are any partner or relative of the investor and, in certain circumstances, trustees and personal representatives of trusts/estates in which the investor was either settler or had an interest.
Irrespective of the 30 per cent test, an individual is connected with the issuing company if he, or any associate, is an employee or partner of the issuing company or any of its subsidiaries at the time of issue.
An individual is also connected with the issuing company if he is a director (unless unpaid) of that company or of a subsidiary or partner of that company. Business angels, who have had no previous connection with the EIS company, may receive a 'reasonable remuneration' for their services as a director. However, new companies are not excluded in the legislation. It would therefore appear to be acceptable for a small group of individuals to set up a new company, be paid reasonable remuneration for the services they provide to the company and claim EIS relief for their investment. However, care must be taken that at the time of the issue of their EIS shares they are not already connected with the company or its trade.