Preliminary remarks
ACCA is pleased to have this opportunity to comment on the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) consultation on its proactive work, which was considered by ACCA's Financial Reporting Committee. ACCA has itself an active research programme in the area of financial reporting of which we are happy to provide EFRAG with full details. ACCA is very willing to co-operate and co-ordinate with EFRAG's work in this regard, as we confirmed when we met with Mario Abela in July.
ACCA'S answers to EFRAG's questions
Q1 Awareness of EFRAG's proactive work
We are aware and have responded to a number of EFRAG's proactive papers in the past ourselves directly and by way of our input to FEE.
EFRAG asks whether these have had a sufficient focus on European issues. We see there being a restricted number of specifically European issues, as in general financial reporting faces much the same challenges across the world.
Q2 At what stage should EFRAG concentrate its work?
EFRAG should be thinking about input at all stages of the development of standards to
- provide evidence that projects are needed before IASB begins to consider them
- outline feasible solutions or issues that need to be explored
- provide evidence of the likely impact of proposals as they develop through the IASB due process - to inform EFRAG's comment letters
- assess the effect of changes after their implementation
EFRAG might also consider whether it might have a role to co-ordinate European research generally in this field. National standards setters (NSS) are active, but they are part of EFRAG's mechanism. In addition to NSS, universities/academics, EU Commission, national governments, accountancy firms and professional bodies are involved to some extent as well.
Q3. Ranking of proposed projects
Taking them in the order they appear in Table 2