ACCA Study Hub.

FIA, Applied Knowledge, Applied Skills and Strategic Professional exam study resources for ACCA students

Quality digital learning - with the ACCA Study Hub

The ACCA Study Hub is an exclusive digital platform providing free access to study materials for students globally. It is available for students taking FIA, Applied Knowledge, Applied Skills and Strategic Professional exams.

What's included in the Study Hub?

  • Free online study content which covers the full syllabus
  • Short quizzes to test understanding as you progress through the chapters
  • Practice and revision questions and flashcards, to help prepare you for your exam.

Note: The revision questions in the ACCA Study Hub are exam standard but they don’t fully mimic the CBE. Use the ACCA Practice Platform to practice exam standard questions and familiarise yourself with the exam environment.


Your ultimate study resource

The ACCA Study Hub is available now...

You can access the Study Hub via your myACCA account. Once logged in to myACCA, go to 'My qualifications' then select 'ACCA Study Hub'.
Alternatively, you can log in direct using your myACCA credentials.

Join members of our professional education team as they discuss the Study Hub.

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