Technical articles and topic explainers.

A library of articles and bite-sized videos to help you improve your understanding of areas you find more difficult or develop a broader insight into the subject.

Technical articles (A)

Corporate governance and its impact on audit practice
P7 candidates are expected to be conversant with corporate governance principles, many of which they will have seen in previous exams like F8 and P1. In P7, the focus is on the impact that corporate governance principles and practice can have on the audit process, and this article explores some of these issues.

Laws and regulations
It is important that candidates preparing for P7 have an understanding of how laws and regulations affect an audit, not only in terms of the work the auditor is required to do, but also to appreciate the responsibilities of both management and the auditor where laws and regulations are concerned. 

Topic explainer video: Laws and regulations
In this video, expert tutor Affaf Noor tackles the topic of 'Laws and regulations' (YouTube)

Topic explainer video: Money laundering
In this video, expert tutor Ben Wilson tackles the topic of 'Money laundering' (YouTube)

Professional and Ethical Considerations (B)

Ethics in the AAA exam
Ethical standards and their application form a significant part of the AAA syllabus and are examined regularly.

Auditor liability 
This article focuses on the issue of auditor’s liability in the UK, and therefore contains references to the UK Companies Act 2006, as well as UK-specific legal cases. Candidates other than those attempting the UK adapted paper are not expected to have UK-specific knowledge. The concepts discussed in this article, however, are broadly relevant and will help candidates to understand why this is an important issue within the auditing profession.

Massaging the figures
Earnings management – what it is, when it becomes fraud, and implications for auditors.

Topic explainer video:  Ethics
In this video, expert tutor Affaf Noor tackles the topic of 'Ethics' (YouTube)

Quality Management (C)

International Standards on Quality Management – part 1 (ISQM 1)
This article focuses on International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM) 1, Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements with examples provided to demonstrate how certain aspects of quality management may be examined.

International Standards on Quality Management – part 2 (ISQM 2 and ISA 220 (Revised))
This article focuses on two specific areas – International Standard on Quality Management 2, Engagement Quality Reviews (‘ISQM 2’), and ISA 220 (Revised), Quality Management for an Audit of Financial Statements

Topic explainer video: Quality management
In this video, expert tutor Ben Wilson tackles the topic of 'Quality management' (YouTube)

Planning and conducting an audit of historical financial information (D)

Approach to Section A questions in the AAA exam
The Section A question in the AAA exam is worth 50 marks, therefore gaining a strong mark in this question is key to passing the exam. 

Exam technique 1 – planning questions and risk (part 1): Business risk
Exam technique 2 – planning questions and risk (part 2): RoMM and audit risk in the AAA exam ** updated April 2023 **
AAA candidates are expected to be able to evaluate risks relevant to an audit or assurance engagement. These articles are intended to help you achieve both the technical and professional marks usually associated with these types of requirements.

Group audits
This article focuses on the key areas of group audit, highlighting sections of ISA 600, Special Considerations – Audits of Group Financial Statements (Including the Work of Component Auditors). Candidates should be familiar with the standard prior to sitting the AAA exam.

Risk and understanding the entity
Candidates studying Audit and Assurance (AA) and Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) are often presented with questions that focus on the planning stage of the audit. A sound understanding of ISA 315 (Revised 2019) is therefore essential.

Auditing in specialised industries
This article provides some insight into the matters that need to be considered by auditors when engaged to provide the external audit service to a client operating in a specialised industry.

Auditing disclosures in financial statements
This article looks at auditing disclosures in financial statements, an issue that has been considered by the IAASB in recent years following developments in IFRS requirements and the increased level of complexity and subjectivity involved in the preparation of information to be disclosed in financial statements.

Using the work of internal auditors
Also available as a podcast on iTunes
This article focuses on the provision of direct assistance by the internal auditors, which – to date – has been a very controversial issue. Although internal auditors are the employees of the entity, which could result in threats to independence (either in fact or perceived) if direct assistance is provided by the internal auditors, there are benefits relating to this provision which cannot be ignored.

Audit risk
This article outlines and explains the concept of audit risk, making reference to the key auditing standards which give guidance to auditors about risk assessment.

Audit working papers
How working papers provide evidence that an effective, efficient, and economic audit has been carried out.

Auditing in a computer-based environment
The aim of this article is to help students improve their understanding of computer-assisted techniques by giving practical illustrations of computer-based controls and the way they may feature in exam questions. (Also G)

Specific aspects of auditing in a computer-based environment
This article provides guidance on various aspects of auditing in a computer-based accounting environment. (Also G)

Topic explainer video: Audit procedures
In this video, expert tutor Ben Wilson tackles the topic of 'Audit procedures' (YouTube)

Topic explainer video: Audit risk
In this video, expert tutor Affaf Noor tackles the topic of 'Audit risk' (YouTube)

Topic explainer video: Group Audits - ISA 600
In this video, expert tutor Ben Wilson tackles the topic of 'Group Audits - ISA 600' (YouTube)

Completion, review and reporting (E)

Evaluation of misstatements
The completion stage of the audit is when the auditor reviews the work performed and considers the implications for the auditor’s report. A crucial part of this review is the evaluation of misstatements found during the audit.

Completing the audit
This article explores some of the key requirements of International Standards on Auditing (ISA) that are relevant at the completion stage, and discusses the practical implications of those requirements.

Going concern
The additional guidance given for ISA 570, Going Concern.

Auditors' reports to those charged with governance
This article discusses the important reporting 'output' produced as a result of the audit process, that of the auditor's communication to those charged with governance

Examining evidence
This article explains the importance of understanding audit evidence.

Topic explainer video: Reporting
In this video, expert tutor Affaf Noor tackles the topic of 'Reporting' (YouTube)

Other assignments (F)

Proposed International Standard on Sustainability Assurance 5000
This article looks at incoming regulations for assurance providers who are engaged to perform work on sustainability information. The Exposure Draft on International Standard on Sustainability Assurance 5000 (ISSA 5000 (ED)) was published in August 2023.

The assurance of social, environmental and sustainability information (part 1)
This is the first of two articles that considers why sustainability information is published and a brief coverage of the measurement issues.
An assurance professional is most likely to review sustainability information as part of the strategic report. This article looks at the implications of ISA 720 (Revised), The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information.

The assurance of social, environmental and sustainability information (part 2)
This is the second of two articles that considers why sustainability information is published by companies. Assurance professionals are increasingly being engaged to review specific environmental and sustainability reports and the article considers some of the challenges this presents to firms. This article also includes useful tips on how to approach questions that may include elements of sustainability information in the AAA exam.

Performance information in the public sector
The Syllabus and Study Guide for P7 (INT), Advanced Audit and Assurance (and SGP adapted paper) includes a section entitled ‘The audit of performance information (pre-determined objectives) in the public sector’. This article is intended to provide insight into this syllabus area and explain some of the issues of which candidates should be aware when studying this aspect of the syllabus.

Forensic auditing
This article explores some of the key issues relevant to forensic investigations.

Topic explainer video: Assurance on Prospective Financial Information (Forecasts)
In this video, expert tutor Affaf Noor tackles the topic of 'Audit procedures' (YouTube)

Current Issues and Developments (G)

The role and mindset expected of professional accountants
This article highlights the key areas within the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the Code) which consider the mindset required of a professional accountant, notably those of objectivity and professional behaviour, and the requirement to demonstrate professional scepticism.

Auditing in a computer-based environment
The aim of this article is to help students improve their understanding of computer-assisted techniques by giving practical illustrations of computer-based controls and the way they may feature in exam questions. (Also D)

Specific aspects of auditing in a computer-based environment
This article provides guidance on various aspects of auditing in a computer-based accounting environment. (Also D)

Topic explainer video: Current issues 
In this video, expert tutor Ben Wilson tackles the topic of 'Current issues ' (YouTube)

Covers multiple areas

Data analytics and the auditor
This article provides some insight into the matters which need to be considered by auditors when using data analytics. AAA candidates are expected to have a broad understanding of what is meant by the term data analytics, how it may be used in the audit and how it can improve audit efficiency.

Professional scepticism
The article explains the importance of professional scepticism as an essential part of the auditor’s mindset, and considers the reasons why approaching an audit with an attitude of professional scepticism is becoming increasingly important.

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