Part 1 of 4
This is the Finance Act 2017 version of this article. It is relevant for candidates sitting the Advanced Taxation – United Kingdom (ATX-UK) (P6) exam in the period 1 June 2018 to 31 March 2019. Candidates sitting ATX-UK (P6) after 31 March 2019 should refer to the Finance Act 2018 version of this article (to be published on the ACCA website in 2019).
From the September 2018 session, a new naming convention is being introduced for all of the exams in the ACCA Qualification, so from that session, the name of the exam will be Advanced Taxation – United Kingdom (ATX-UK). June 2018 is the first session of a new exam year for tax, when the exam name continues to be P6 Advanced Taxation (UK). Since this name change takes place during the validity of this article, ATX-UK (P6) has been used throughout.
Groups of companies are an important aspect of corporation tax within ATX-UK (P6). Having studied the basics of this area at TX-UK (F6) you are now expected to progress to more advanced aspects. However, the basic rules continue to be of vital importance as they are the foundation on which the additional rules rest. You must have a sound knowledge of the many rules within this subject if you are to be able to handle an exam question involving groups.
This is not an introductory article; it is relevant to students coming to the end of their studies and finalising their preparations to sit the exam. It begins by briefly summarising the rules relating to both group relief groups and capital gains groups. It then goes on to consider various issues relating to chargeable gains groups that could be introduced in an exam question. It does not include comprehensive explanations of the rules but assumes a reasonable knowledge.
This article is intended to be read proactively, ie statements made should be confirmed as true by reference to the reader’s understanding of the rules or to a relevant study text. This approach will enable future situations to be analysed from first principles rather than by reference to a rigid set of memorised planning points.
The basic rules
The structure of the Q Ltd group of companies is set out in Figure 1. It should be assumed that all of the companies are resident in the UK. The minority shareholders in the group companies are companies with no relationship with Q Ltd.
You should be able to review the group structure and confidently identify the members of any group relief groups and capital gains groups; do this before you read the information in Table 1.
Figure 1: Structure of the Q Ltd group of companies