Professional skills for AFM.

Professional Skills marks were introduced into the Strategic Professional Options exams from September 2022. Find out more about how professional skills will be assessed in the AFM exam.

Professional skills overview

Videos: How we assess

Short videos from the ACCA examining team to give an overview of each professional skill and how it is assessed in the Advanced Financial Management exam


Analysis and evaluation


Commercial acumen

New: Read the mind of the marker articles

Enhanced and interactive articles designed to give you a better understanding of what a marker will be looking for when it comes to marking your AFM response. 

The articles cover two candidates' answers to questions from the AFM specimen exam. Use these along with the specimen exam on the ACCA Practice Platform.

First read the marker's observations on the requirement. Then read the candidates' response and roll over the curser to reveal the marks awarded an examiners' comments.

Please access articles on desktop for full functionality.