Administrative reviews.

We undertake many checks and controls during the marking process to ensure that all exam results are accurate. The administrative review checks that all stages of the marking and results release process have been strictly followed, and is available for all session based exams.

How we ensure that exam results are accurate

ACCA undertakes many checks and controls during the marking process to ensure that all exam results are accurate.

Marking scheme
Before the marking starts, markers attend a meeting with the examiner to discuss the exam paper and agree a detailed marking scheme.

The examiner moderates the marking process closely. There are various steps in place during this process to enable the examiner to review marked scripts. This ensures that the marking scheme is being applied consistently by all markers.

Marginal marks
The examiner also pays special attention to scripts where marginal marks have been awarded.

Specialised marking software
Checks are built in to the marking software to ensure that each question on your script has been marked, the marks have been recorded against the correct question and that the total for the final mark is correct.

Independent verification
A series of independent checks are carried out during the marking process to verify that data returned to ACCA by markers is correct.

Finalising marks
Any discrepancies found during this process are investigated and resolved before results are finalised. Once your results have been added to your student record, and your entry options have been created for the next exam session, ACCA then conducts further checks at the printing stage to ensure the printed results are accurate before they are released.

What is an administrative review?

The quality controls applied at each stage of the marking process ensure the integrity of our results data.

However, we recognise that sometimes you might feel that your results do not reflect your perceived performance in the exam. An administrative review ensures that all stages of the marking and results release processes have been adhered to in reaching your final mark.

You can request an administrative review of your results if you:

  • receive an absent mark but you were present at the exam and submitted an exam paper
  • were not present at an exam but received a mark for your paper
  • feel that ACCA's quality controls have not been applied properly in arriving at your mark.

The administrative review allows us to ensure transparency and fairness, and is available for all qualifications that are assessed by session based exams.

What to expect from an administrative review

As part of your administrative review we will ensure all stages of the marking and results release processes have been adhered to in reaching your final mark.

Key points to note

  • This is not a re-marking service. We do not offer a re-marking service.
  • Marked responses for ACCA exams will not be returned during this process. These will remain property of ACCA.
  • Feedback on your performance will be provided, however individual marks will not be disclosed.

The information you receive will indicate where a good understanding of a topic area has been demonstrated. This should assist with revision if you have failed an exam.  Examples of what you can expect for each exam type can be found below. 

Strategic Professional exams

For Strategic Professional exams, we will issue an outcome via email. This will also include a Pass or Fail status for each complete question attempted in your examination.

Applied Skills exams

For the Applied Skills exams, syllabus feedback will be issued which provides a rating for your performance by syllabus area. 

Foundations in Accountancy exams

Dip IFR exams

For Dip IFR exams, we will issue an outcome via email. This will also include a Pass or Fail status for each complete question attempted in your examination.

What happens if an administrative error is found?

If an administrative error is found, your mark will be adjusted to reflect your true result. Please note that your mark may be lowered if an administrative error had inflated your original mark.

If your mark is amended as a result of the administrative review you will receive a refund of your review fee.

Your examination status and options will be updated to reflect any change to enable you to submit an online exam entry for the next session.

How to apply for an administrative review

If you would like to request an administrative review you can submit your request and pay the relevant fee using our online service at myACCA.

The fee for an administrative review is £60 per exam. This includes FIA, ACCA and Dip IFR exams.

The administrative review service is only available for session based CBEs. We are unable to provide an administrative review service for on-demand CBEs.

To view the administrative review submission deadline dates for upcoming sessions, visit the important dates section.

If I am unhappy with my administrative review outcome, what are my options?

If on receipt of the outcome of your Administrative Review you believe that ACCA has not applied its procedures properly, you may appeal to the Examinations Appeals Committee.

To do this, you should email your appeal request as outlined in your Administrative Review feedback email. The relevant fee will then be raised on your account which must be paid online prior to the appeal submission deadline.

The appeal fee is £60 per exam and to view the appeal submission deadlines dates for upcoming sessions, visit the important dates section. Your request to appeal will then be forwarded to the Committee for consideration.

The appeals process is not a re-marking service and you will not receive any further feedback on your examination performance other than what was previously stated in your feedback email. The Committee will undertake independent checks to confirm all stages of the administrative review process were undertaken and the correct mark was in fact issued to you.