Performance Management (PM).

Exam aims

Students develop the knowledge and skills in the application of management accounting techniques to quantitative and qualitative information for planning, decision-making, performance evaluation and control.

Exam learning highlights

Students will learn to:

  • explain and apply cost accounting techniques
  • select and appropriately apply decision-making techniques to facilitate business decisions, and promote efficient and effective use of scarce business resources, appreciating the risks and uncertainty inherent in business and controlling those risks
  • identify and apply appropriate budgeting techniques and methods for planning and control, and use standard costing systems to measure and control business performance and to identify remedial action
  • identify and discuss performance management information and measurement systems, and assess the performance of an organisation from both a financial and non-financial viewpoint, appreciating the problems of controlling divisionalised businesses and the importance of allowing for external aspects.

How students will benefit

Use our career navigator to find out what skills are linked to Performance Management.

Exam support available

To maximise chances of success in the exam, we recommend students arrange tuition with one of our approved learning partners. Find tuition.

Finally, students can use our supported study resources alongside face-to-face or online tuition.