Financial Accounting (FA).

Exam aims

To teach the underlying principles and concepts of financial accounting, accounting techniques and the preparation of basic financial statements.

Exam learning highlights

Students will learn:

  • to demonstrate technical proficiency in the use of double-entry and accounting systems
  • how to record, process and report business transactions
  • to understand the context and purpose of financial reporting
  • apply the qualitative characteristics of financial information
  • how to prepare a trial balance (including identifying and correcting errors)
  • how to prepare basic financial statements for incorporated and unincorporated entities
  • how to prepare simple consolidated financial statements
  • how to interpret financial statements.

How students will benefit

Use our career navigator to find out what skills are linked to Financial Accounting.

Exam support available

To maximise their chances of success in the exam, we recommend students arrange tuition with one of our approved learning partners. Find tuition.

ACCA also provide online tuition for the Applied Knowledge exams, which is available through our award-winning ACCA-X platform

Finally, students can use our supported study resources alongside face-to-face or online tuition.