Pensions auto-enrolment gets closer

Multiple-choice questions: In order to be awarded CPD units you must answer the following five random questions correctly. If you fail the test, please re-read the article before attempting the questions again

  1. When are the provisions of the Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings Act due to launch?

  2. Which of the following statements is correct? Statement 1, Ireland is the only country without pensions auto-enrolment in the OECD, or statement 2, Ireland is the only country without pensions auto-enrolment in the EU

  3. Approximately what percentage of private sector employees will be eligible for pensions auto-enrolment?

  4. Which age and earnings group will be eligible for pensions auto-enrolment?

  5. For every three euros a worker pays into a pensions auto-enrolment scheme,

  6. Who will be responsible for administering pensions auto-enrolment?

  7. What is a major concern about pensions auto-enrolment?

  8. Which group of workers could lose out during the phasing-in period?

  9. Which of the following statements is true? Statement 1, to pay for auto-enrolment, some employers may adjust pay rates, or statement 2, to pay for auto-enrolment, some employers may pass costs on to consumers

  10. By 2034, what will be the maximum contribution rate for employers?

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