Practice Tests for Learning Providers.

What are Practice Tests?

Practice Tests replicate the format of our on-demand computer-based exams (CBEs) and are available for ACCA's Applied Knowledge and Corporate and Business Law (LW) exams and Foundations exams FA1, MA1, FA2, MA2, FFA, FMA and FAB . They help students to identify their strengths and weaknesses across a syllabus, and they can be incorporated into your tuition as an additional exam preparation tool.

How do Practice Tests work?

You will be able to provide your students with access to three tests for each exam. As well as being invaluable exam preparation and question practice, you will benefit from your students’ use of them for:

  • Shaping your lessons. Understand how your students are doing as a class in a particular syllabus section with the new cohort reporting feature. Using the red, amber and green status assigned to students’ answers, you’ll see at a glance where the class have performed well or poorly. This can help to shape your lessons if the reporting indicates that students need more support on a particular syllabus section.
  • Measuring student performance. Get a full breakdown of how each of your students has performed at an individual level across all questions and syllabus sections.
  • Greater learning flexibility. Give students access to one or more tests via the Educator Hub when they are ready to sit them, as preparation for an actual exam. You will be able to add students when you (and they) are ready and change the Practice Tests they have access to as they progress through the qualification.

What you should do next

Practice Tests are available to our Platinum and Gold ALPs (Approved Learning Partners) as a benefit of their approval. 

If you want to use Practice Tests with your students contact

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