Payment troubleshooting guide.

If you are having problems with our Pay Now function on myACCA please be aware this is under investigation with our technical support team who are working hard to resolve this issue.

Windows guidance

If your myACCA account is open, please log out and close the browser before trying the following steps:

  1. If you are using a VPN, please switch this off to be able to access all account services on myACCA
  2. Please use our recommended browsers such as Firefox, Opera, Edge, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer
  3. Make sure that your browser is set to allow pop-ups
  4. If your computer is installed with a firewall or security protection software, please temporarily close this software, and attempt payment again
  5. Please clear the cache and cookies in your browser prior to logging into your myACCA portal
  6. If you are using a laptop device, please Flush the DNS as per the below steps:
  7. Open the Command Prompt console (search for CMD or command prompt on the computer); Copy "ipconfig /flushdns", paste it after the cursor and press Enter to execute

Mac users

If your myACCA account is open, please log out and close the browser before trying the following steps:

  1. If there is a VPN application installed please open that and disconnect the VPN or: Click on the Apple icon in the upper left corner of your screen.
  2. Go to System Preferences > Network. Select the active VPN connection from the left panel.
    1. Click Disconnect.
  • We recommend browsers such as Firefox, Opera, Edge, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer
  • Make sure that your browser is set to allow pop-ups
  • If your computer is installed with a firewall or security protection software, please temporarily close this software, and attempt payment again.
  • Please clear the cache and cookies in your browser before logging in to your account.
  • How to flush DNS on a Mac: To flush DNS please use the Terminal application: You can launch the app from Applications -> Utilities or press Command + Space to launch Spotlight and search for Terminal. Type in sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder and hit Return on your keyboard. Enter the administrator password for the account in question and hit Return.

Browser-specific guidance on clearing cookies and temporary internet files

Your web browser stores small files on your computer to help you browse websites. Sometimes these need to be cleared so new versions of the files can be stored. 

Instructions for the more common internet browsers are given below, but these are subject to change, so if in doubt, you should check the help function on your browser for instructions. 

Select your browser to see instructions on how to clear your temporary internet files and cookies:

Try using an alternative browser

If you have cleared your cookies and temporary internet files and the problem persists, please try another web browser. We recommend trying either Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. 

Contact us with details of the problem

If you have cleared your cookies and temporary internet files, and tried more than one browser, and you are still experiencing problems, please contact us with details of the issue.

When you contact us, please provide a screenshot. Please make sure this clearly shows: 

  • any error messages or other issues
  • the URL of the page you are on when the issue occurs. 

You can take a screen shot using the Print Screen key on your keyboard, or you can refer to your operating system help for guidance on how to do this. 

Contact us