Technical articles - UK exam
Corporation tax
Relevant to those sitting FTX–UK in June and December 2025
This article is written to assist candidates in attempting and hopefully succeeding in the 15-mark corporation tax question in section B of the FTX-UK exam.
Finance Act 2024 (PDF, 130KB)
Relevant to those sitting FTX–UK in June and December 2025
This article summarises the changes made by the UK Finance Act 2024.
Technical articles - variant exams
Computing depreciation allowance using pooling method
Relevant to FTX-LSO and TX-LSO
This article explains how the depreciation allowance is computed where a taxpayer has elected for the pooling method to apply. It is relevant for candidates studying for either FTX-LSO or TX-LSO and is based on prevailing legislation applicable to tax years 2025 and onwards.
Taxation of interest income for an individual taxpayer
Relevant to FTX-LSO and TX-LSO
This article explains how to tax an individual taxpayer’s interest income. It is relevant for FTX-LSO candidates, thus providing a good foundation for TX-LSO examinations. The article is based on prevailing legislation applicable to tax years 2025 and onwards.
Tax administration
Relevant to FTX-MYS
This article is relevant for candidates preparing for the FTX-MYS Foundations in Taxation exam. It addresses the income tax administrative provisions for individuals and companies, with a focus on areas which are frequently examined. The article is based on prevailing laws as at 31 March 2022.
Transitioning into sales tax and service tax – clarifying the confusion
Relevant to FTX-MYS
The article is relevant for candidates preparing for FTX-MYS Foundations in Taxation as well as providing a good foundational read for candidates taking the TX-MYS and ATX-MYS exams. The article is based on prevailing laws as at 31 March 2019.
Exam technique
How to answer multiple-choice questions
Answering MCQs successfully requires you to develop a range of skills and exam techniques. Taking the steps set out in this article will help you to maximise your marks.
Computer-based exams
This article considers the benefits of computer-based exams (CBEs), highlights the points that you need to be aware of when completing ACCA's current CBEs, and looks at the different types of questions.
Five steps to multiple-choice success
A five-step approach to answering multiple-choice questions.
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