Policy and insights

Answering today's questions, preparing us for tomorrow
Our Policy and Insights team seeks answers to the big questions around being an accountant. We share our findings with you through reports, articles, videos and events.

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Artifical Intelligence

We’ve brought together resources and guidance to demystify AI and help members build the knowledge they need

Policy and insights

The Policy and Insights team seeks answers to the big questions around being an accountant

ACCA's global forums

Created to contribute to our technical and research work on issues facing business and the accountancy profession


We've compiled a range of videos, reports, webinars and articles to help you keep up-to-date on sustainability issues

Meet the team

There is an ACCA expert from our Policy and Insights team involved in each report. Find out about the experts behind the research

CPD resource finder

Looking for professional development opportunities? Find a wide range of courses, events, webinars and articles at your fingertips