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Webinar | ACCA

Corporate cashflow sustainability: essential new tools and practical applications

Learn new concepts and principles, which can be applied on the job immediately to ensure cashflow sustainability of your company


Modern bridge crossing river

Current practice focuses on cashflow projections, which are short-term in nature and by design. Beyond the projection period, management will not be able to ascertain whether the company has cashflows into the future to support continuing growth.

Cashflow sustainability is not addressed in any corporate finance books or in practice. And yet it is the most important factor for the future of the company. It focuses on the ability of the company to continue its corporate growth indefinitely.

For this reason, the company urgently needs to develop, build, monitor and assess cashflow sustainability. To do so, management and finance leaders need to attain full knowledge of the following new tools, concepts, and principles

This course clearly explains these new concepts and principles, which can be applied on the job immediately to ensure cashflow sustainability of your company.

  • Learn what cashflow sustainability is about
  • Understand the flows and interrelationships among financial statements
  • Appreciate the importance of shareholder value and its drivers
  • Understand what drives cashflow sustainability for the going concern assumption to be upheld,
  • Harness the power of marketing & finance collaboration
  • Apply a seven-step approach to period cashflow statement analysis
  • Learn about P&L PAT and cash PAT and how they can be managed to feed each other for cash flow sustainability to exist.
  • Apply a five-step approach to trend cashflow statement analysis
  • Effectively applying the framework for cashflow sustainability.

This course will cover the following topics:

  1. From entity concept to cashflow sustainability
  2. Shareholder value and VISA.
  3. The economic resources approach to accounting (ERAA)
  4. Capital structure, leverage, and risks
  5. Leading and lagging indicators
  6. Period cashflow statement analysis
  7. P&L PAT and cash PAT
  8. Trend cashflow statement analysis
  9. Establishing the framework for cashflow sustainability

Michael Matthew Lee FCCA

Michael Matthew Lee is a trained teacher, lecturer, C-suite coach, and facilitator, and is himself a life-long learner. He is currently pursuing the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) course.

Being trained, he is skilful in explaining difficult concepts in a simple and understandable manner. With his more than 40 years of corporate working experience, which include serving as Group CFO of 3 large Main Board public-listed groups, and as MD/CEO/COO of various companies across industries, he specialises in Finance and Strategic Marketing, and is exposed to senior executive management practices, issues and challenges. He adopts a practical approach to his training and consultancy.

He is author of the corporate finance books 'The essence of corporate cashflow sustainability', launched in June 2022 and 'Corporate growth and cashflow sustainability' launched in Jan 2024.

Michael Matthew Lee’s credentials are:

  • Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA) UK
  • Chartered Accountant (ISCA)
  • Chartered Marketer (CIM(UK))
  • Associate CVA (SAC-IVAS)
  • MBA (Finance, NUS Business School)
  • MBA (Strategic Marketing, University of Hull)
  • BAcc (NUS); DipM (UK); PDipM (APAC); ACTA; AWP, CertEd
  • ASEAN CPA; FCA(Singapore); FCPA(Aust); FCIM(UK); MSID.

International delegates

We welcome delegates from outside Singapore. Please email to book under ACCA rates if you are an ACCA member, affiliate or student not resident in Singapore.


A CPD certificate will be emailed to you within three business days after the completion of this webinar.

Group Discounts

10% off for 2 or more registrants (not limited to the same organisation; excludes Member / Affiliate / Student rates). Book as a group with this discount code GROUP2MORE at payment summary page.


Member 265 SGD

Affiliate 275 SGD

Approved employer 335 SGD

Student 275 SGD

Public 375 SGD



Date & time

15 April 2025 - 26 March 2025, 09:00 - 17:00 Singapore

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