This report sets out why the SDGs matter to professional accountants; the role of the private sector in their delivery and how professional accountants can be part of a collaborative group of actors working together to achieve the aims of the 2030 Agenda

Converging, interconnected issues has brought the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the fore as a unifying global agenda for countries, companies, investors and civil society to pursue. They create a framework for building enduring, inclusive prosperity that is fit for the future. The aim is for the SDGs to be fully achieved by 2030; this is the UN’s 2030 Agenda.
The challenge of meeting the SDGs by 2030 is immense. The 17 Goals encompass 169 targets and 230 indictors. The task of ensuring widespread understanding, take-up and skills development in assessment, monitoring and reporting of progress towards the issues that the SDGs encompass will be a defining challenge for the accountancy profession for the coming years. And they go beyond assessment, measurement and reporting to demand an appreciation of complexity, the interdependence of systems and a desire to achieve tangible positive outcomes for society.
This report sets out to demonstrate why the SDGs matter to governments, business and society; the role of the private sector in their delivery and how professional accountants can be part of a collaborative group of actors working together to achieve the aims of the 2030 Agenda.