All students have access to their exam results status online via myACCA.
A summary of the information on your Examination Results and Status Report form is below to assist you with queries related to your exam results.
Section A – examination results
This section displays the mark attained for each paper attempted at the last session of examinations.
Administrative review
ACCA has a range of procedures in place which reviews the academic judgements made by examiners and these ensure that the final results are robust. The quality controls applied at each stage of the marking process also ensure the integrity of ACCA's results data. If following publication of the results you do not feel that your result reflects your perceived performance, you may request an Administrative Review under the following circumstances:
- you believe ACCA's procedures have not been properly applied in arriving at your mark
- you have received an absent mark but you were present at the examination
- you were not present at an examination but have received a mark
The administrative reviews allow ACCA to ensure transparency and fairness, and are available for all qualifications with the exception of on-demand CBEs. However, this is not a re-marking service.
Section B – examination status
This statement shows your examination status following the most recent examination session and includes all exemptions awarded and on-demand CBEs achieved before the date stated.
Students holding provisional converted passes in the old syllabus P1 and P4 exams must pass either SBL or any outstanding option other than AFM in addition to 11 other exams in order to complete the exam requirement of the syllabus.
Section C – ethics and professionalism modules status
Ethics and Professional Skills module
On 31 October 2017, the Professional Ethics module was replaced by ACCA’s new Ethics and Professional Skills module.
If you had not completed the Professional Ethics module by 30 October 2017, you are required to complete the Ethics and Professional Skills module before being invited to become an ACCA member.
You will also need to have completed either the Professional Ethics module or the Ethics and Professional Skills module if:
- you are eligible and intend to complete the Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business;
- and/or you intend to undertake the Oxford Brookes BSc in Applied Accounting (you must complete the Ethics and Professional Skills module before submitting your Research and Analysis Project to Oxford Brookes University).
Your status for the module will show as completed on the Examination Status Results form if you have completed it by the date shown in the examination status section of the form.
Foundations in Professionalism module
The Foundations in Professionalism module is mandatory for all students studying any of the Foundation-level qualifications. The module - which is interactive - can be accessed through myACCA.
Your status for the Foundations in Professionalism module will show as complete on the Examination Status Results form if you have completed the module by the date shown in the examination status section of the form.
Section D – practical experience requirement (per) status
This section shows the performance objectives you have achieved and recorded with ACCA as at the date of this status report.
If you are using My Experience, any additional performance objectives you have achieved since the date of this report will be reflected online. You can access My Experience through myACCA.
This section also shows the time (in months) that you have accumulated and recorded in a relevant accounting or finance role.
Section E – Oxford Brookes status
This section shows your current status on the Oxford Brookes University degree.
Section F – your progress to membership
This section shows your progress towards ACCA membership. To be eligible for membership you must complete all 13 examinations, 9 Essential and 4 Options performance objectives, have a minimum of 36 months experience in a relevant accounting or finance role and complete the Ethics and Professional Skills module.