Regional variants available
In a number of countries, students have the opportunity to take this exam based on their national tax. Should a national tax not be available, we recommend students select the UK variant.
You can read about the differences in the 'Learning highlights for each exam variant' section.
Exam aims
Students will develop knowledge and skills relating to the tax system as applicable to individuals, single companies and groups of companies.
Learning highlights for each exam variant
Note: The following learning applies to the Botswana (BWA) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payers and/or their agents and the implications of noncompliance.
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals.
- Explain and compute the tax liabilities of companies.
- Explain and compute the chargeable gains arising on companies and individuals
- Explain the operation and scope of the system of withholding taxes.
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the China (CHN) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the PRC tax system and its administration
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporate income tax liabilities of enterprises
- Explain and compute the effects of land appreciation tax for individuals and Enterprises
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax, consumption tax and customs duty for individuals and enterprises.
Note: The following learning applies to the Cyprus (CYP) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of taxpayers and/or their agents
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporation tax liabilities of individual and groups of companies
- Explain and compute the special contribution for the defence (SCD) liabilities of individuals and companies
- Explain and compute the capital gains tax liabilities of Individuals and companies
- Explain and compute the effect of social insurance contributions on employees, employers and the self employed
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Czech Republic (CZE) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporate income tax liabilities of companies
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Hong Kong (HKG) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation, scope and functions of the tax system, and the rights and obligations of taxpayers and/or their agents/employers and the implications of non-compliance and the rights and powers of the taxing authorities in the context of tax assessment, tax collection and tax recovery
- Explain and compute the salaries tax liabilities of individuals, including employees, office holders and pension-earners
- Explain and compute the profits tax liabilities of incorporated and unincorporated businesses, either resident or non-resident
- Explain and compute the property tax liabilities of property income earners
- Explain and compute the tax liabilities under personal assessment.
Note: The following learning applies to the Hungary (HUN) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance.
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporation tax liabilities of individual companies
- Explain and compute the effect of social security contributions on employees and employers
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses
- Explain and compute the tax payable on company cars
- Explain and compute the tax payable to local municipalities.
Note: The following learning applies to the Ireland (IRL) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance.
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporation tax liabilities of individual companies and groups of companies
- Explain and compute the chargeable gains arising on companies and individuals
- Explain and compute the taxation of residential property
- Explain and compute the effect of social insurance and universal social charge on employees, employers and the self employed
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Lesotho (LSO) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of taxpayers and/or their agents, and the implications of non-compliance
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporation tax liabilities of companies
- Explain and compute the chargeable gains arising on companies and individuals
- Explain and compute the effect of fringe benefits tax
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Malawi (MWI) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance.
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of companies
- Explain and compute the chargeable gains arising on companies and individuals
- Explain and compute fringe benefits tax on employee benefits
- Explain and compute tax as it affects special trades and cases
- Explain and compute the effects of indirect taxes, value added tax and custom and excise duties on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Malaysia (MYS) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of taxpayers, taxable persons, employers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of companies
- Explain and compute real property gains tax
- Explain and compute goods and services tax (GST).
Note: The following learning applies to the Malta (MLA) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of taxpayers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporate income tax liabilities of individual companies and groups of companies
- Explain and compute the tax liabilities arising on the disposal of capital assets by companies and individuals
- Explain and compute the effect of social security contributions on employees, employers and the self employed
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Pakistan (PKN) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and tax administration and the rights and obligations of taxpayers and/or their representatives and the implications of non-compliance.
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals and unincorporated bodies
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of companies
- Explain and compute the capital gains of individuals, unincorporated bodies and companies
- Explain and compute the effects of sales tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Poland (POL) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of taxpayers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporate income tax liabilities of individual companies
- Explain and compute the effect of social security and health service contributions on employees, employers and the self employed
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Romania (ROM) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payer and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporate income tax liabilities of companies
- Explain and compute the effect of national social security, unemployment, health care and other similar contributions on employees, employers and the self employed
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Russia (RUS) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and its administration
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals in their capacity as individual entrepreneurs and employees
- Explain and compute the corporate profits tax liabilities of Russian legal entities
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated businesses
- Explain and compute the effect of insurance contributions on employees, employers and individual entrepreneurs
- Explain and compute the corporate property tax liability of Russian legal entities.
Note: The following learning applies to the Singapore (SGP) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance.
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporate income tax liabilities of individual companies and groups of companies
- Explain and compute the effect of goods and services tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the South Africa (ZAF) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payers and/or their agents
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of companies
- Explain and compute the chargeable capital gains arising on companies and individuals
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the United Kingdom (UK) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and the obligations of tax payers and/or their agents and the implications of non-compliance
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals and the effect of national insurance contributions (NIC) on employees, employers and the self-employed
- Explain and compute the chargeable gains arising on individuals
- Explain and compute the inheritance tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporation tax liabilities of individual companies and groups of companies
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Vietnam (VNM) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the Vietnamese tax system and the obligations of tax payers and the implications of non-compliance
- Explain and compute the personal income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporate income tax liabilities of both domestic and foreign owned companies
- Explain and compute the tax liabilities arising under the regime applicable to foreign contractors
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on businesses.
Note: The following learning applies to the Zimbabwe (ZWE) exam variant.
Students will be able to:
- Explain the operation and scope of the tax system and its administration
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals
- Explain and compute the corporation tax liabilities of individual companies and groups of companies
- Explain and compute the capital gains tax liabilities of individuals and companies
- Explain and compute the effect of national social security (NSSA) and pension/benefit fund contributions on employees, employers and the self employed
- Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and unincorporated businesses.
How students will benefit
Use our career navigator to find out what skills are linked to Taxation.
Exam support available
To maximise chances of success in the exam, we recommend students arrange tuition with one of our approved learning partners. Find tuition.
Finally, students can use our supported study resources alongside face-to-face or online tuition.