Making accounting truly diverse.

iMA report serves as a wake-up call for the accountancy profession to improve its diversity, equality and inclusion.


Only 58% of female accounting professionals globally view the profession as equitable, according to a recent survey, and only 59% consider it to be inclusive.

The survey report, Diversifying Global Accounting Talent: Actionable Solutions for Progress, reveals that while most respondents do in fact view the profession as equitable or inclusive (men on average see things more favourably than women), many from diverse backgrounds state they have experienced or observed inequity and exclusion. These experiences impacted the career choices of one-third of female respondents.

A couple of the key findings of the survey – which was carried out by the International Federation of Accountants, the Institute of Management Accountants, and the California Society of CPAs – are highlighted here.

The report’s appendix highlights many actions that members of the profession can take to help bring about equitable, diverse and inclusive cultures. They include:

  • raising awareness of the profession as a viable and desirable career path for all
  • improving access for diverse individuals to the accounting profession
  • achieving fair hiring, recruitment and talent management processes
  • implementing robust bias detection and mitigation processes
  • encouraging accountability through transparent communication
  • fostering a culture of belonging
  • treating diversity, equity and inclusion as an ongoing strategic priority.