Rates of capital gains tax
The rate of CGT is linked to the level of a person’s taxable income. Taxable gains are taxed at a lower rate of 10% where they fall within the basic rate tax band of £37,700, and at a higher rate of 20% where they exceed this threshold.
However, for chargeable gains arising from the disposal of residential property, the lower rate is 18% and the higher rate is 28%. These residential property rates apply where a gain arising from the disposal of residential property is not fully covered by the private residence exemption (see later in this article).
Remember that the basic rate tax band is extended if a person pays personal pension contributions or makes a gift aid donation.
Payments on account for disposals of residential property
A payment on account must be made within 60 days of the date of disposal (completion date), where CGT is payable in respect of a disposal of residential property. A return must be submitted to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) at the same time.
The calculation of the payment on account takes into account the annual exempt amount, any capital losses incurred in the same tax year prior to the disposal of the residential property, plus any brought forward capital losses. Any other chargeable gains and capital losses incurred subsequent to the disposal of the residential property are ignored.
It is necessary to make an estimate as to how much of the taxpayer’s basic rate tax band will be available for the tax year.