Information on the syllabus content and structure for unit 7 of the Ethics and Professional Skills Module.

Data analytics
This unit is intended to give you an appreciation of the importance and usefulness of data analytics to business and how it can be applied to the accountant’s role. The unit explains how to use commercial awareness to articulate business questions, and then identify, manipulate, and analyse relevant data by applying appropriate techniques. Following sceptical analysis of the data, valid conclusions can be drawn and recommendations made. The unit also explains how findings from analysis should be effectively visualised and communicated and finally it considers the ethical and security issues associated with data analytics.
Section 1: Unit overview
a) Introduction
Section 2: The CRISP framework:
a) Business understanding
b) Data Preparation
c) Modelling
d) Evaluation
e) Deployment
Section 3: Big data and data analytics
a) What is big data?
b) The 3 Vs of big data
c) The value and lessons to be learned from big data
d) Platforms for big data storage and processing
e) CRISP-DM and big data quiz
Section 4: Sources of data
a) Internal sources
b) External sources
Section 5: Types of analytics
a) Analysis with descriptive analytics
b) CRM data analysis activity
c) Predictive analytics
d) Prescriptive analytics
Section 6: Data analytics methodologies
a) Artificial intelligence
b) Robotics
c) Machine Learning
Section 7: Mainstream tools and key applications for data analytics
a) Tools and applications for descriptive analytics
b) Tools and applications for predictive analytics
c) Tools and applications for prescriptive analytics
d) AI, machine learning and data analytics tools quiz
Section 8: Data visualisation and communication
a) What is data visualisation?
b) The purpose and benefits of data visualisation
c) The history of data visualisation
d) Types of data visualisation – comparison
e) Types of data visualisation – composition******************
f) Types of data visualisation – relationship
g) What makes a good visualisation?
h) Data visualisation quiz
Section 9: Scepticism
a) Scepticism in data analytics
Section 10: Ethical considerations in the use of data
a) Introduction
b) Scepticism and ethical considerations in data analytics quiz
Section 11: End of unit quiz
Section 12: Unit summary
Summative exercise
The learner is given data about a railway network and factors which influence ticket sales. They are required to carry out statistical regression to analyse these to predict ticket sales for a given set of factors. They are also required to evaluate the effect of changes in variables on overall ticket sales, applying professional scepticism.